Updating Files

  • Thread starter Thread starter JimmyKoolPantz
  • Start date Start date



I am writing a program that opens up a data file (file ext .dbf),
imports the information into a dataset. The program also, searches
through the dataset for key words ("company names") and then displays
all records with company names in a datagridview.

Once the information has been binded to the datagridview control, I
allow the user to select all records that are not companies, for
example, during the search the key word "HONDA" may have pulled a
record that has the name "Rhonda Smith". Since Rhonda contains the
word "HONDA" it was mistakenly pulled and marked as a company name and
displayed in the datagridview control. In this particualar instance
the user would check a box in the datagridview control indicating this
is not a company name and they would like to keep this record in the
data file.

Once the user has checked all the records they want to keep, they
process the file. Processing consists of A) Backing up the original
file B) Create a new file with just company names, and C) update the
original file (remove all records that are marked as companies).


Processing time. The time it takes to update the files is extreemly
long, and I'm sure the problem is logic related. It approximately took
me around 70 seconds to update a file that contains 440 records. I
tested a file the contains 22,000 records and the time it took was not


I'm looking for some advice on what would be the best way to process
the records that would speed up processing time. I'm currently backing
up the original file, then removing all the records from the original
file (just keeping header information) and then then ,during
processing, import one record at a time. If the record contains
company inforamtion, I import it into the the companies .dbf, and if it
does not contain company information, I import it into the original

Possible solutions:

Export a dataset as a DBF file? which I am not sure, at this point, if
this is possible, and if it is, would it keep all field lengths for
each column. For example, I need to keep the field "Fullname" as text
and it has to be at the length of 65 characters long. If this is a
possible solution, I would need to find a way, to get field length
information from the original file, since all fields will never be the
same on all files.

Another possible solution, instead of removing all records from the
original file and then inserting one record at a time, it may be
logical just to write a query, the would just remove a record that I
do not want to keep in the original file. Since, most files I deal
with have less then 200 records that have company information. It
seems feasible, it would take me less time to remove 200 records then
to insert 2000 records.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Code Samples:

The following is a few methods which will illistrate the way I am
currently processing the records, I think the key method below would
probably be the "Processing" routine. There are some routines that I
did leave out, so if I need to post further information please let me
know. Please, note this program has not gone live, so you will notice
I still need to do some exception handling.

Private Sub openfile()
Dim qy As String
Dim file As New FileProcessing
Dim dr As DataRow
Dim dc As DataColumn
Dim iFullname As Integer = 0
Dim iFirst As Integer = 0
Dim iLast As Integer = 0
Dim boolFirst As Boolean = False
Dim boolLast As Boolean = False
Dim boolCompany As Boolean = False
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim int As Integer = 0
Dim Match As Boolean
Dim dataCol As DataColumn
Dim tbRow As DataRow
Dim FirstRow As Boolean = True
Dim temp As String = ""

CrossThreadingCallsException = False
qy = "select * from " + sFileName
ds = New DataSet
ds = file.Open_File(sPath, qy, sFileType)

btnUpdate.Visible = False
btnRemove.Visible = False
btnAdd.Visible = False

tbFilter = New DataTable

btnUpdate.Visible = False
btnRemove.Visible = False
btnAdd.Visible = False

dgCheckBox = New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
dgCheckBox.Name = "KEEP"
dgCheckBox.Visible = False


For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns

If dc.ColumnName.ToUpper = "FULLNAME" Then
iFullname = i
End If
If dc.ColumnName.ToUpper = "FIRST" Then
iFirst = i
boolFirst = True
End If
If dc.ColumnName.ToUpper = "LAST" Then
iLast = i
boolLast = True
End If
i += 1
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows
If dr.Item(iFullname) IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then
Match = CompanyFilter(dr.Item(iFullname))
If Match = True Then
tbRow = tbFilter.NewRow
For Each dataCol In tbFilter.Columns

If dataCol.ColumnName.ToUpper = "FULLNAME"
tbRow.Item(int) = dr.Item(iFullname)
End If
If dataCol.ColumnName.ToUpper = "FIRST"
If boolFirst = True Then
tbRow.Item(int) = dr.Item(iFirst)
End If
End If
If dataCol.ColumnName.ToUpper = "LAST" Then
If boolLast = True Then
tbRow.Item(int) = dr.Item(iLast)
End If
End If
int += 1
tbRow.Item(3) = Filter
Filter = ""
int = 0

End If
boolBlankNames = True
End If
txtSearch.Text = sFileName + ".DBF"
tempSearch = txtSearch.Text
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Private Function CompanyFilter(ByVal Fullname As String) As Boolean
Dim dr As DataRow
Dim drNames As DataRow
Dim sTemp As String
Dim tempArray() As String
Dim tempName As String
Dim NameMatch As Boolean = False

For Each dr In dsFilter.Tables(0).Rows
sTemp = dr.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper
If sTemp.Length > 4 Then
If Fullname.ToUpper.Contains(sTemp) Then
tempName = Fullname.ToUpper.Trim
For Each drNames In dsNames.Tables(0).Rows
If tempName = drNames.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper
NameMatch = True
Exit For
End If
If NameMatch = False Then
For Each drNames In dsNames.Tables(0).Rows
tempArray = Fullname.Split(" ")
If tempArray.GetUpperBound(0) > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To
tempName = tempArray(i).Trim
If tempName.Length > 4 Then
tempName.ToUpper.Contains(drNames.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper) Then
NameMatch = True
Exit For
End If
If tempName.ToUpper =
drNames.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper Then
NameMatch = True
Exit For
End If
End If

tempName = sTemp.Trim
If tempName.Length > 4 Then
tempName.ToUpper.Contains(drNames.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper) Then
NameMatch = True
Exit For
End If
If tempName =
drNames.Item(0).ToString.ToUpper Then
NameMatch = True
Exit For
End If
End If

End If
End If

If NameMatch = False Then
Filter = "%" + sTemp + "%"
Return True
Exit Function
NameMatch = False
End If
End If
If Fullname.ToUpper = sTemp Then
Filter = "%" + sTemp + "%"
Return True
Exit Function
End If
End If
Return False
End Function

Private Sub Processing()
Dim qy As String
Dim qyCompanies As String = ""
Dim qyNotCompanies As String = ""
Dim path As String
Dim temp() As String
Dim sName As String
Dim sfile As New FileProcessing
Dim dr As DataRow
Dim sTemp As String = ""
Dim item As String = ""
Dim iLength As Integer = 0
Dim tempCompany As String
Dim match As Boolean = False
Dim dc As DataColumn
Dim int As Integer = 0

'back up original file
File.Copy(SourceFile, DestinationFile)
temp = txtSearch.Text.Split(".")
sName = temp(0)

'Delete all rows in original file
Dim ext As String = "DBF"
qy = "Delete * From " + sName
path = SourcePath
sfile.UpdateDBF(path, qy, ext)

totProcessed = 0
totRecords = 0
totCompanies = 0
totResidents = 0
'create temperary holding file for companies
'since the name of a dbf file is limited to 8 characters
'I had to create a temp file for companies (if I named the file
'.net would not allow me to insert records. The file name can
not be longer then
' 8 characters. After I insert the records into the file then
I will rename the file.

tempCompany = path + sName + "c.DBF"
File.Copy(SourceFile, tempCompany)

'process compare dataset names to filter table names
'if match then save in companies table else save in original
'totRecords = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
' FormCompanyInfo.lblTotRecordsCount.Text = totRecords.ToString

qy = ""
'create companies query statement
qyCompanies = "insert into " + sName + "c("
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
sTemp = sTemp + "[" + dc.Caption + "],"
sTemp = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.Length - 1) + ")"
qyCompanies = qyCompanies + sTemp + "Values("

sTemp = ""
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
sTemp = sTemp + "@" + dc.Caption + ","
sTemp = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.Length - 1) + ")"
qyCompanies = qyCompanies + sTemp

'create Not Companies query statement
sTemp = ""
qyNotCompanies = "insert into " + sName + "("
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
sTemp = sTemp + "[" + dc.Caption + "],"
sTemp = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.Length - 1) + ")"
qyNotCompanies = qyNotCompanies + sTemp + "Values("

sTemp = ""
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
sTemp = sTemp + "@" + dc.Caption + ","
sTemp = sTemp.Substring(0, sTemp.Length - 1) + ")"
qyNotCompanies = qyNotCompanies + sTemp

int = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
For i As Integer = 0 To tbFilter.Rows.Count - 1
If dgView.Item(0, i).Value = False Then
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim tem As String
Dim tem2 As String
tem = tbFilter.Rows(i).Item(0)
tem2 = dr.Item(1).ToString.ToUpper
If tem.ToUpper = dr.Item(1).ToString.ToUpper Then
If dr.Item(int).ToString <> "x" Then
dr.Item(int) = "x"
Exit For
End If
End If
End If

int = ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
Dim test As Integer = 0
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows

If dr.Item(int).ToString = "x" Then
test += 1
'this is a company name
'save in company file
Dim itemArray(0) As String
Dim itemp As Integer = 0
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
itemArray(itemp) = dr.Item(itemp).ToString
ReDim Preserve itemArray(itemp + 1)
itemp += 1
sfile.UpdateDBF(path, qyCompanies, ext, itemArray, ds)
'totCompanies += 1

'this is a resident name
'save in original data file
Dim itemArray(0) As String
Dim itemp As Integer = 0
For Each dc In ds.Tables(0).Columns
itemArray(itemp) = dr.Item(itemp).ToString
ReDim Preserve itemArray(itemp + 1)
itemp += 1
sfile.UpdateDBF(path, qyNotCompanies, ext, itemArray,
'totResidents += 1

End If
'totProcessed += 1
'FormCompanyInfo.lblTotProcessedCount.Text =
'FormCompanyInfo.lblTotCompaniesCount.Text =
'FormCompanyInfo.lblTotResidentsCount.Text =
File.Move(tempCompany, CompanyFile)
End Sub

Public Function Open_File(ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal Query As
String, ByVal FileExt As String) As DataSet
Dim ds As DataSet
'important note: make sure the file path does "NOT" have
the file name
'in the string. This will cause stress, and waisted time.
Make sure
'file path is only the path to the directory where the file
is stored.
cs = Connection_String(FilePath, FileExt)
'If FileExt.ToUpper = "DBF" Or FileExt.ToUpper = "XLS" Then
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
cn = New OleDbConnection(cs)
da = New OleDbDataAdapter(Query, cn)
ds = New DataSet
Return ds
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
cs = Nothing
ds = Nothing
End Try
End Function

Public Sub UpdateDBF(ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal qy As String,
ByVal FileExt As String, ByVal itemArray() As String, ByVal ds As
Dim cs As String
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim dc As OleDbCommand
Dim col As DataColumn
Dim temp As String = ""
Dim size As String
Dim i As Integer = 0

cs = Connection_String(FilePath, FileExt)
cn = New OleDbConnection(cs)
dc = New OleDbCommand(qy, cn)

For Each col In ds.Tables(0).Columns
temp = "@" + col.Caption
size = itemArray(i).Length
dc.Parameters.Add(temp, OleDbType.Char, size,
dc.Parameters(temp).Value = itemArray(i)
i += 1
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
After posting my thoughts, I think I came up with a solution. I think
I am going to add a field to the original file named something like
"Remove" and then write a query to remove records that have a value in
the new field.

I think this might solve my processing problem.
That sucked, I could not alter a dbf table (add column) to a dbf file
that already contained data. Any suggestions?
Hello JimmyKoolPantz,

I asume yer using OleDb or ODBC to read and write the DBF. While I would
normally applaud this, as it uses the standard data access scheme and is
the correct way of doping this, I recently had the same trouble. I had to
write a DBF file that had ~680,000 records. And I had to write it more than
once. Turns out writing DBF files is SLOWER THAN MOLASSAS ON A CLOD WINTER
DAY. I wont make guesses here as to why, but I have an educated guess or
three. Point is, I wrote my own DBF reader and writer that munched on the
DBF file bits directly. I can now write 680,000 record DBF's in less than
30 seconds. Whee! Look at me fly ma! No hands!

You might benefit from the same approach.

Boo.. can you teach me to fly?

Yes, I am using oledb . I have been pondering on a few solutions to my
problem. One solution (since, I have not found a way to alter a table
that already has data), would be to edit a field that I know will
always be in the table. Which would be the "Job ID" field. I could
possible change the value of the "Job ID" field for the records I need
to delete, and then just write a query to remove records with a
specific Job ID value. However, looking forward I see a problem. I
really need to find a way to alter a DBF table that contains data.
Because some of my future projects will be to add a field to a dbf
file, such as "winning number" and some other calculations.

Could you please give me some flight instructions, on how to fly? I
really need to find a way to either 1) alter a table that contains data
2) be able to quickly insert records into a dbf file. Most important,
data processing must be exceptionally fast. If I try inserting
records one at a time using oledb, its very slow.. inserting 100
records is extremely slow.

I'm kind of curious, why is it vfp can alter tables with data, but
vb.net oledb does not allow you to do this? Am I missing something
Hello JimmyKoolPantz,

The first page of a google search for "dbf file format" yeilds http://www.clicketyclick.dk/databases/xbase/format/dbf.html#DBF_STRUCT
I used this spec to build a DBFStreamReader and DBFStreamWriter pair (in
conjunction with classes that modeled the DBF format in an object structure:
DBFFile, DBFFileHeader, DBFRecord, etc etc). This was done as part of a
larger project for reading/writing SHP files (they call them SHP files..
but an ESRI SHP is actually a minimum of 3 distinct files: a shp, shx, and

I can't share the code as I do not own it, so it's not mine to give away.
The BitConverter class will come in handy.
