I have a database with 12 fiields. I dynamically pull this data into my .asp
Two of these fields are important. The MODEL field and the PRICE feilds.
The price fields contains 2006 pricing. Once a year at year end, data entry
manually enters pricing into our proprietary system. I then can download a
..csv file and bring into excel. I now have a file with all our MODELS and the
NEW 2007 pricing.
How can I import the NEW 2007 prices into my existing database to only
replace the 2006 pricing without messing up the fileds. each model much have
a new 2007 price. Can these models do some kind of match, and if the price IS
different, it changes it?
Two of these fields are important. The MODEL field and the PRICE feilds.
The price fields contains 2006 pricing. Once a year at year end, data entry
manually enters pricing into our proprietary system. I then can download a
..csv file and bring into excel. I now have a file with all our MODELS and the
NEW 2007 pricing.
How can I import the NEW 2007 prices into my existing database to only
replace the 2006 pricing without messing up the fileds. each model much have
a new 2007 price. Can these models do some kind of match, and if the price IS
different, it changes it?