Updating entries on a spreadsheet via Userforms

  • Thread starter Thread starter rayzgurl
  • Start date Start date


I have a userform that allows people to enter project requests fro

Now my boss wants a userform in the same project that allows them to g
back and update when that request has been completed. So, the for
would have to find the previous entry and then add information abou
who completed the project, when it was completed and how long it too
them to complete it.

I am not having any luck finding anything of this sort in the book
that I have. Can anyone give me suggestions?

This Newbie thanks you!!!!:
From the Data menu, choose Form.
This is reasonably quick and easy way to do data entry. Comes with a find
Thanks for the tip...

The bad news is, the people that will be using this app are not savv
enough to be able to click data>Form>search the entry and update it.

We aren't even giving them access to the actual spreadsheets for fea
of the damage they will do. We NEED to be able to do this through cod
in a userform.

If someone could just point me in the right direction for info o
coding this, I would GREATLY appreciate it.


it looks like you are having the same problem as me,
hopefully i am on track for an answer, i believe we may
need to use a data array to store the values while we
view/edit the data in a form, and then when you confirm
the array will then put the information back into the

as soon as i have found the code for loading existing data
into a text box i will let you know, then you can just use
a lookup function to find the related row.

sorry that i was no help but i will keep you posted.

Thank you,

Robert Couchman

I've found that this code...

Set fc = Worksheets("Sheet1").Coumns("B").Find

Will find the correct entry in the sheet, however I need it to chec
several variables to make sure it is the correct entry becaue textbox
could be the same on several entries.


I"m pulling my hair out... :