Barry said:
Updating to latest drivers for my Radeon AIW card has given me 6 "unknown
devices" in my device manager for which the system cannot find drivers. The
card driver seems to have updated correctly and I have got rid of the random
triangles in FS2004. I cannot get rid of these devices, the appear in reboot
if I delete them. They are ATI item but no further info. Anyone know what
they are and how I can get rid of them?
You probably haven't installed the capture driver first, Barry. You have an
AIW, which is a capture card, hence you need to install the capture driver
that goes with your display driver. Otherwise you get the various capture
and TV tuner devices unsupported by drivers, which is almost certainly what
you have.
There is also an "all-in-one" driver, including the capture driver,
available for Cat 3.6 (which is what you're using if you've updated to the
"latest driver" - always best to be reasonably informative when asking for
help here), but, although it apparently works Ok, there are problems around
uninstalling it when you need to.
Are you updating from the ATi driver site
( that's definitely the best
place to download your drivers and software from, but you really should RTFM
first. There's plenty of information given there, and notes on the various
packages. However, there is one piece of information there I would take
issue with; I find the older method of installing drivers for a capture card
(install capture driver, don't reboot, install display driver, reboot,
install control panel, reboot) to be preferable to ATi's current
recommendation of install display driver, reboot, install control panel,
reboot, install capture driver, reboot. But decide for yourself.
You may find you can just download the capture driver now, install it, and
everything will be fine. If not, you will need to uninstall everything and
start again.
HTH patrickp