Updating Database

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First off, you guys (and girls) are great. I have posted a few questions and
the help received has been right on target. Here's to hoping you can help me
with this one....

I'm runing Access 97. The database is used to schedule inbound trailers,
capture information from each of these loads that link to a separate
productivity database, and provide historical data concerning business
volume. I inherited this database and for the most part have been able to
make necessary changes. The problem is, this database is also used by 8
other sites in the company. Each site runs independently. There are a
number of changes to the forms, queries and macro's that I've made. The
fields in the tables have remained the same, however I have made some changes
to the field properties (validation rules, etc.). I would like to be able to
distribute the new version (via e-mail) to each site and have them be able to
update their verision without losing any of the data on the tables.
Currently I have to dial into each site using NetMeeting and make the
changes. This is entirely too cumbersome and time consuming. All sites
(except one) are using the Windows 98 operating system and Acces97. I am
running Windows2000 Professional with Access97 as well as the other site.

Also, I have split my version into a FE and BE. None of the other sites
have done this.

I hope you are able to help.


I'm runing Access 97. The database is used to schedule inbound trailers,
capture information from each of these loads that link to a separate
productivity database, and provide historical data concerning business
volume. I inherited this database and for the most part have been able to
make necessary changes. The problem is, this database is also used by 8
other sites in the company. Each site runs independently. There are a
number of changes to the forms, queries and macro's that I've made. The
fields in the tables have remained the same, however I have made some
to the field properties (validation rules, etc.). I would like to be able
distribute the new version (via e-mail) to each site and have them be able
update their verision without losing any of the data on the tables.
Currently I have to dial into each site using NetMeeting and make the
changes. This is entirely too cumbersome and time consuming. All sites
(except one) are using the Windows 98 operating system and Acces97. I am
running Windows2000 Professional with Access97 as well as the other site.

Also, I have split my version into a FE and BE. None of the other sites
have done this.

I think the only sensible way is to get your hands on the other copies in
use and make the changes once and for all.
Just the changes you've made to validation rules are in fact changes to the
back end, so you need to implement that in the other dbs too.
I'd suggest having everyone email you their database and allow you to hang
on to it over the weekend. Let the BE of your split database be the template
and import everyones data into a new BE for each location. Email the commen
FE and the BE with their own data to them and tell them to run the FE when
using the database.

In the future you can simply make changes to the FE and email everyone a new
If you need to make changes to the BE in the future it is more cumbersome.
Either "borrow" the BE briefly when you need to or alternatively there are
routines for automatically updating the BE, but it's more advanced. I'd
suggest the low-tech solution of emailing something back and forth. If you
know what to do changing the BE won't take more than a few minutes.

Jesper Fjølner

This may be more than you care or need to do...

If the 8 separate (and independent) locations are, in fact, parts of the
same parent company, there's a potential business case to be made for
collecting all of the data together. Not for the day-to-day operational
needs of the outlying offices, but for management

If you decide you need to do that, and maybe only once a year, you could
make one small addition to one/more tables, as appropriate, in your copy of
the back-end ... LocationID (1 through 8, or LocationA, LocationB, ...).
Then, when you collect the outlying copies as Jesper suggests, you can
append the records to your db, along with the appropriate LocationID.

You'd also need to make a small change to the relevant queries driving your
forms and reports, to select by LocationID. When you customize the
front-end copies to go back out to the locations, each front-end would
include a constant in a code module (conThisLocationID). As each location
used the application, its LocationID would be written to the records, making
the annual "dump to central" a bit easier.

Or you could look into replication in Access to accomplish something

I warned you this might be more than you care to do!
Actually, that's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, we are a third party
operator for another company. We are using their systems, not ours. Each
site runs independently with the database stored on a 'shared' drive in each
site's building. The only way I can access another site is through
NetMeeting. Not the optimal way to run a business I know, but it is what it
It was only an idea, not a requirement <G>.

Good luck on your project.

Jeff Boyce
<Office/Access MVP>