I've updated my bios and now my mouse and lan doesnt work... Reinstalling of
win98 doesnt helps

Was this a clean installation or overtop of itself?
Did you try clearing CMOS and loading the bios defaults?
What to do know?
I cant restore my old bios because there is checksum error:/
As Paul mentioned, it could help to have all the info, the
board make and model, the bios versions you had tried.
Are you certain the older bios you tried to reflash is
correct? What are you using to flash it? You might try
downloading the old bios again, and if you know how, check
the CRC values between the two to see if they are
bit-identical copies of each other.
I'm wondering if it's possible you flashed the wrong bios,
sometimes boards will have newer bios meant for only newer
board revisions but with similar model name. The flasher
should've prevented this but perhaps not.
Sometimes it is possible to use "uniflash" to force-flash a
board bios back to what it was, but have you even confirmed
that all other parts (like floppy drive) work? IE- are the
mouse and lan the only things that don't work, have you
checked the other functionality of the system?