updating and underlying table field with a combo box selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter efandango
  • Start date Start date


I want to use an ID value from a combo box on a subform to update the same ID
value in the form's underlying table.

My main form is: frm_Street_Joiner_Main
My Subform is: frm_Street_Joiner_Sub

My Subform table is: tbl_Street_Joiner
My Mainform is: frm_Street_Joiner_Main

The combo box on my subform is called: StreetName, with a column count of
two but the bound column is the actual street name.

SELECT QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master.Street_Names,
QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master.StreetNameID FROM
QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master ORDER BY

The combo box selects the street name, but I want the StreetNameID to update
to the form's underyling table and also appear in a seperate box named
efandango said:
I want to use an ID value from a combo box on a subform to update the same ID
value in the form's underlying table.

My main form is: frm_Street_Joiner_Main
My Subform is: frm_Street_Joiner_Sub

My Subform table is: tbl_Street_Joiner
My Mainform is: frm_Street_Joiner_Main

The combo box on my subform is called: StreetName, with a column count of
two but the bound column is the actual street name.

SELECT QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master.Street_Names,
QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master.StreetNameID FROM
QRY_Street_Names_Joiner_Master ORDER BY

The combo box selects the street name, but I want the StreetNameID to update
to the form's underyling table and also appear in a seperate box named

Try and analyse this routine and make it work for your application.
Basically, you open the table by using an sql statement and update the table.
Then you copy the data from the table up to your main form.

Public Function CalculateStockLevel(strmainform, strSubformcontrol)

Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim strSQL3 As String

Dim rs1 As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Dim rs3 As Recordset

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim n1 As String
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = ""
n1 = Chr(10) & Chr(13)
Dim strSearch As String

Dim ActivityArray() As String
Dim max As Integer
Dim QuantitySumArray() As Double

strSQL1 = "SELECT * from tabActivity"

strSQL2 = "select * from tabPartsMovements where tabPartsID = " &
Forms!frmParts!tabPartsID & ";"

strSQL3 = "select * from tabParts where tabPartsID = " &
Forms!frmParts!tabPartsID & ";"

Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
Set rs3 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL3)

If rs1.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("no records in tabActivity")
GoTo err_handler
'MsgBox (rs1.AbsolutePosition)
End If

max = rs1.RecordCount
ReDim ActivityArray(max, 2)
ReDim QuantitySumArray(max)
strTemp = "tabActivity: " & n1 & n1

For x = 0 To rs1.RecordCount - 1
y = x + 1
ActivityArray(y, 1) = rs1!Text
strTemp = strTemp & "y :" & y & ", " & rs1!tabActivityID & ", " & rs1!Text &
Next x

''''''''''''MsgBox strTemp

strTemp = ""
If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("no records in tabActivity")
GoTo err_handler

'MsgBox (rs2.RecordCount)
End If

If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
GoTo err_handler
max = rs2.RecordCount
''''''''''''''''''''''''''MsgBox ("rs2 recordcount " & rs2.RecordCount &
", Max: " & max)
'strTemp = "tabPartsMovements: " & n1 & n1
For x = 1 To max
'strTemp = strTemp & "Abs.Pos.: " & rs2.AbsolutePosition &
", " & "Act: " & rs2!Activity & ", " & "Qty: " & rs2!Quantity & n1

QuantitySumArray(rs2!tabActivityID) =
QuantitySumArray(rs2!tabActivityID) + rs2!Quantity
Next x

'''''''''''''''''''''MsgBox (strTemp)

strTemp = "max check" & n1
For x = 1 To max
strTemp = strTemp & Str(x) & n1
Next x
End If

'''''''''''''''''MsgBox strTemp

'create sum on activity id (total on purchase, total on sales etc.)

'Quantity Summary
max = rs1.RecordCount

strTemp = "Quantity Summary" & n1
For x = 1 To max
strTemp = strTemp & "x: " & x & Str(QuantitySumArray(x)) & n1
Next x
'''''''''''''''MsgBox (strTemp)

rs3!Sales = QuantitySumArray(2)
rs3!Purchases = QuantitySumArray(1)
rs3!DepotIssuance = QuantitySumArray(6)
rs3!DepotReceived = QuantitySumArray(5)
rs3!ReconOut = QuantitySumArray(8)
rs3!ReconIn = QuantitySumArray(7)
rs3!DepotReceived = QuantitySumArray(5)
rs3!WshopOut = QuantitySumArray(4)
rs3!WshopIn = QuantitySumArray(3)
rs3!StockReconciliationOut = QuantitySumArray(15)
rs3!StockReconciliationIn = QuantitySumArray(14)
rs3!OnBoardIssuance = QuantitySumArray(10)
rs3!OnBoardReceived = QuantitySumArray(9)
rs3!CreditNotesPendingOut = QuantitySumArray(12)
rs3!OrdersPendingIn = QuantitySumArray(11)
rs3!StockOnHand = rs3!SubtotalII - rs3!SubtotalI
rs3!SubtotalI = rs3!Sales + rs3!DepotIssuance + rs3!ReconOut + rs3!WshopOut
+ rs3!StockReconciliationOut
rs3!SubtotalII = rs3!Purchases + rs3!DepotReceived + rs3!ReconIn +
rs3!WshopIn + rs3!StockReconciliationIn
rs3!StockOnHand = rs3!SubtotalII - rs3!SubtotalI
rs3!SubtotalIII = rs3!SubtotalI + rs3!StockOnHand
rs3!SubtotalIV = rs3!SubtotalII
rs3!SubtotalVI = rs3!SubtotalIV + rs3!StockOnHand + rs3!OnBoardReceived
rs3!SubtotalV = rs3!SubtotalVI
rs3!StockAvailableI = rs3!StockOnHand + rs3!OnBoardReceived -
rs3!SubtotalVIII = rs3!SubtotalVI + rs3!StockAvailableI + rs3!OrdersPendingIn
rs3!SubtotalVII = rs3!SubtotalVIII
rs3!StockAvailableII = rs3!StockAvailableI + rs3!OrdersPendingIn -

'stock taking
' With rstCustomers
' ' Populate recordset.
' .MoveLast
' ' Find first record satisfying search string. Exit
' ' loop if no such record exists.
' .FindFirst strCountry
' If .NoMatch Then
' MsgBox "No records found with " & _
' strCountry & "."
' Exit Do
' strCountry = "Country = '" & strCountry & "'"

'strSearch = "Activity = '" & Str(13) & "'"

strSearch = "tabActivityID = 13"
With rs2
..FindLast strSearch

If .NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("no stock take date")
rs3!LastStockTaking = rs2!Date
End If

End With


End Function