Updating a table from a form based on a query

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Sorry if this is really basic, but I'm new to Access having programmed server
based systems using web front-ends!

I am trying to set up a database to (amongst other things) hold a student

I have a table containing groups, one containing students, one containing
attendance information.

Now, I have a form on which I can enter a date and select the appropriate
group (in the form header). This causes the form to show a list of students
with a tick-box next to each to indicate attendance (or not), this is based
on a query in order to link the tables together properly.

This works.

Ok, If I click the tick-boxes, nothing happens!

I'm assuming that this is because the form is based on a query, rather than
a table directly, but this doesn't help me much....


Paul, why is the form based on a query? One solution is to base it on a
table, say the student table, then have a subform based on related records in
the attendance section. Your overall design may be flawed. Feel free to
send it over and I'll look at it.

Destin Richter
(e-mail address removed)
Thanks for the reply :-)

The data is fully normalised, so the form needs to display data from
several, related tables.

The student table holds names etc with each student having an ID number (key
The attendance table holds information about each attendance, so has a
column for Student Id (to relate to the Students table), date, present /
abesent mark etc.

The query is required for 2 reasons (I think):-

1) I only want to show data for a particular date / group combination. In
the form header, I have an area to enter the date and the group, the query
then refers to this to filter the list down - I'm sure there's a better way,
but I'm trying to get to grips with it all!

2) (and probably more importantly), I need to show the student's names
rather than their IDs int he list. Since this is coming from a related table,
I'm assuming I need a query to link them together - is this not the case?

Thanks for your help.