I have a form textbox called age that calculates its value on a form based on
a table. The value is displayed on the form but it is not stored onto the
table. How do I enter the calculated value into the table that the form is
based on? The formula is listed below.
=IIf(IsNull([Comp Date]),(Date()-[Req Date]),([Comp Date]-[Req Date]))
The formula is placed in the Control Source value on the textbox property.
a table. The value is displayed on the form but it is not stored onto the
table. How do I enter the calculated value into the table that the form is
based on? The formula is listed below.
=IIf(IsNull([Comp Date]),(Date()-[Req Date]),([Comp Date]-[Req Date]))
The formula is placed in the Control Source value on the textbox property.