Updating a dynamic recordset. Best way...

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Hello, I'm developing a program that will include a window showing current &
previous records using a scrollable recordset. I need to add records to the
recordset & have new records immediately available in the current record.
What is the most common way of adding new records. Is it:

i) by adding records via the same form & hence using the same recordset?
(This seems the simplest way as you can keep the scope of the data object
local to the form, but might look a bit messy) or:

ii) Create an input form which opens to accept new record details, then
updates the underlying table. (This would seem trickier as you would need to
declare the scope of the data object global, (something I don't want to do),
or preferably to refresh the recordset on the first form through an event,
such as getfocus or paint, once the input form has been unloaded? ).

In short, what is the most acceptible method for data input to a dynamic

Thanks for your thoughts on this, Ant

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Probably you get there your answer much quicker.

I hope this helps something
