I'm using a webservice to update a datset which contains
two tables. There is a simple Category-Item refrence
between the tables, that is there is a foreign key from
Category to the Item table. Because of that, if I add a
item the refrenced category has to exist.
How can I control in what order the webservice executes
the DELTE/INSERT commands?
1)If I'am adding a new category and items which refrence
the new category the webservice should first add the
category and then the items.
2) If I'am deleteing a category the webservice should
first delete the items for that category and then the
Thanks, Ágúst V.
I'm using a webservice to update a datset which contains
two tables. There is a simple Category-Item refrence
between the tables, that is there is a foreign key from
Category to the Item table. Because of that, if I add a
item the refrenced category has to exist.
How can I control in what order the webservice executes
the DELTE/INSERT commands?
1)If I'am adding a new category and items which refrence
the new category the webservice should first add the
category and then the items.
2) If I'am deleteing a category the webservice should
first delete the items for that category and then the
Thanks, Ágúst V.