Flakey is the def of beta.
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
some support
| how bizarre...
| having just posted my previous message... I thought I'd
| try the process just once more... i.e. searching for
| gcuncompress.dll, etc etc... and now appear to have
| gcuncompress.dll in my system32 folder (and I am CERTAIN
| it wasn't there before and I've run the repair function
| at least four times)... but it's presence doesn't seem to
| have had the hoped-for effect i.e. the update process
| still tries to move it from version 5725 to 5737
| God... this is even more strange... I've just tried
| updating once again, having renamed gcuncompress.dll, and
| repaired the installation... and I swear it didn't do it
| last time... but it does seem to think it's the latest
| build...
| I hate flakey software.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >interesting situation...
| >
| >I too have the update problem.
| >
| >I'm using build 1.0.614... and it either doesn't detect
| >the definition file correctly (so is up-to-date but
| >doesn't know it) or the def file isn't being installed
| >properly.
| >
| >Anyhow, I can't find gcuncompress.dll anywhere on my C
| >drive...
| >
| >and get this, although the update process implies that's
| >it's not up-to-date... the tooltip on the Spyware
| >Definitions link (system summary page) says I do have
| the
| >latest def file...
| >
| >oh, and running the repair feature of MAS, out of
| >add/remove progs, doesn't help either.
| >
| >Any suggestions (apart from getting another antispyware
| >product)?
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>Like you I had that update issue. I shut down MSAS,
| >then deleted the
| >>gcuncompress.dll file from system32. Then I went to
| >add/remove programs, clicked
| >>on Microsoft AntiSpyware, clicked on support
| >information, then clicked on the
| >>repair button. It installed the correct version of the
| >gcuncompress.dll (which is
| >>about 95,448 bytes). I then restarted MSAS, ran an
| >update and it worked. It now
| >>seems to be working fine.
| >>
| >>--
| >>
| >>
| >>-callahan
| >>
| >>
| >>"Justin Harris" <
[email protected]>
| >wrote in message
| >>| >>> The problem lies w/ the gsuncompress.dll that is
| >>> located in the windows/system32 file, it is left over
| >>> from the first MSAntispyware versions 5.XX to correct
| >>> this you should first locate this file then delete or
| >>> backup the file to another folder, then either
| >uninstall
| >>> or reinstall the newest version from MS, the old
| >>> gsuncompress.dll file does not get upgraded w/ the new
| >>> version if it is still there; however, if you delete
| it
| >>> then reinstall it will be created and then should
| unzip
| >>> the updates and install them correctly.
| >>>
| >>> I had the same problem and this fixed it.
| >>> JMH
| >>>
| >>> >-----Original Message-----
| >>> >Error in my earlier message, same subject. The
| >message
| >>> is
| >>> >that Definitions version 5725 are being upgraded to
| >5737,
| >>> >followed by a note that updates have been installed.
| >>> Yet,
| >>> >when I next check for updates I get the same message
| >>> >suggesting that version 5737 was really not
| installed.
| >>> >Sorry for my error in original message. --Frank
| BAtes
| >>> >.
| >>> >
| >>
| >>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >