Hi Everyone:
I had the MSBlaster/LuvSan last week (infected early
Monday) have since the patch and enabled my firewall. My
question, is this why I cannot download/install updates..
I went into see what other things I am missing for my
home version of XP, and found there were 27 critical
updates I should download, most security related. I got
failed messages for all them..example
818529 June 2003 Patch....etc.. etcc
Have not gotten anywhere with HP (manufacturer) or
Microsoft. Anyone know what is happening?? Thanks so much!
I had the MSBlaster/LuvSan last week (infected early
Monday) have since the patch and enabled my firewall. My
question, is this why I cannot download/install updates..
I went into see what other things I am missing for my
home version of XP, and found there were 27 critical
updates I should download, most security related. I got
failed messages for all them..example
818529 June 2003 Patch....etc.. etcc
Have not gotten anywhere with HP (manufacturer) or
Microsoft. Anyone know what is happening?? Thanks so much!