updates and other problems



I have several problems to list. I only list them all because I am not sure if they are related. The first one is, I keep getting a message at bottom right of screen that says "updates are available" when I go thru updates and install them everything seems to go smoothly. After restarting machine, I still get same message "updates are available" and when I go to windows update page..it still show that I need to download updates, even tho, when I went thru process previously, it all went fine with no errors are stumbles. Whew...ok..no. 2 problem, my computer doesnt reconize my CD drive at all. No. 3 whenever I try to play solitare, the game will open for like 5 seconds..then close, no other game does that, BUT if I go to control panel to delete program (trying to delete solitare to reinstall it) the same thing happens...up for about 5 seconds then poof...closed, that also happens to Mcafee scan, but nothing else.
Any help?? Please dont suggest shooting computer, I have already thought of that and have painted target on the side of it <big smile>
Also, I have tried restore and that doesnt work



For #1:
Possible solutions:

1 - Delete or rename the folder c:\windows\system32\catroot2

Then do the updates again.


2 - Start/stop the auto-update service.

Start, control panel, administrative tools, services, right click automatic
updates, click stop. Right click again, click start.

For #3:
I would do a virus scan with current and updated AV software. Could be a

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