Has anyone found this issue - When you open MSAS (1.0.614
release) the Spyware Definitions shows Aug 20 -2005. But
if you then do a manual update (File|Check for Updates),
the download screen shows definitons are being updated
from v5727 to v5747) - this is suspicious that the screen
indicates its up to date but the definitions are obviously
not) Machine is W2K, fully patched running 24x7
release) the Spyware Definitions shows Aug 20 -2005. But
if you then do a manual update (File|Check for Updates),
the download screen shows definitons are being updated
from v5727 to v5747) - this is suspicious that the screen
indicates its up to date but the definitions are obviously
not) Machine is W2K, fully patched running 24x7