Im trying to make an update command for Access:
adpNew.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT " + strColumns + "
FROM " + Tablename, con)
Dim bld As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(adpNew)
adpNew.InsertCommand = bld.GetInsertCommand
adpNew.UpdateCommand = bld.GetUpdateCommand
The insert command works fine.
In the table are boolean values and these go wrong!
There are no boolean values that are NULL, they are false or true
When I past the generated SQL command in Access:
UPDATE Data SET Deleted =true , code = '800308714548216008' , ID =
'0005038154' WHERE ( ((1 = 1 AND Deleted IS NULL) OR (Deleted = true)) AND
(code = '800308714548216008') AND (ID = '0005038154') )
Access says you are about to update 0 rows.
When I change the ...AND Deleted IS NULL... into AND Deleted = False it
works fine.
Is there a solution for this behaviour??
Im trying to make an update command for Access:
adpNew.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT " + strColumns + "
FROM " + Tablename, con)
Dim bld As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(adpNew)
adpNew.InsertCommand = bld.GetInsertCommand
adpNew.UpdateCommand = bld.GetUpdateCommand
The insert command works fine.
In the table are boolean values and these go wrong!
There are no boolean values that are NULL, they are false or true
When I past the generated SQL command in Access:
UPDATE Data SET Deleted =true , code = '800308714548216008' , ID =
'0005038154' WHERE ( ((1 = 1 AND Deleted IS NULL) OR (Deleted = true)) AND
(code = '800308714548216008') AND (ID = '0005038154') )
Access says you are about to update 0 rows.
When I change the ...AND Deleted IS NULL... into AND Deleted = False it
works fine.
Is there a solution for this behaviour??