Message: When I click the update section, a pop-up comes up and states that
the windows defender has been updated. However, when I open the actual
program it states that the definitions have not been updated in 64 days. I
reboot and still the program does not change the message about lack of
updating. Is there a file which can be cleared and reinstalled like
Normal.dor for microsoft office!!!!!!! I have deleted the program and
reinstalled three times. The message still appears. If I knew the file I
could delete it and reinstall.
Message: When I click the update section, a pop-up comes up and states that
the windows defender has been updated. However, when I open the actual
program it states that the definitions have not been updated in 64 days. I
reboot and still the program does not change the message about lack of
updating. Is there a file which can be cleared and reinstalled like
Normal.dor for microsoft office!!!!!!! I have deleted the program and
reinstalled three times. The message still appears. If I knew the file I
could delete it and reinstall.