Always only one record in the DateTable. Have you tried?
UPDATE Table2, Table1
SET Table2.SomeDateField = [Table1].[SomeDateField]
In Design view
-- Add both tables
-- Select the field you want to update
-- Select Query: Update from the menu
-- Enter [Name of table].[Name of Field] in the Update to "cell"
-- Select Query: Run
If there are more than one record in the date table but only one with a
date in the field then
UPDATE Table2, Table1
SET Table2.SomeDateField = [Table1].[SomeDateField]
WHERE Table1.SomeDateField is not null
And if you only want certain records in table 2 then add that to the
criteria also.
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County