I've recently made a query for billing where I work. The
query displays only those activities whose insuranceID
= "AAM", whose DateOfService is <= the maximum
authorization date ([LastDate] in a query qryCurrentAuth)
and whose PrintedOn value = Null. The query works just
fine. However, I want to then use the criteria from that
same query for an update query to update the PrintedOn
Value to Now().
So, to summarize:
one table and one query make up the new update query
tblActivity -- use fields
ProcID (to filter out missed appointments and phone calls)
DateOf (to filter out dates which are not authorized and
to update to =Now())
PrintedOn (to filter out already printed activities)
qryCurrentAuth (to pull the LastDate value to filter the
DateOf value in tblActivity)
That's it. I have the criteria set the exact same, only
in the PrintedOn field I have the UpdateTo value set to
Now(). When I run it I get the error
"Operation must use an updateable query"
Since I'm only using the other query to filter my record
set, I don't quite understand why I'm getting this
message. I posted the actual SQL for the query below as
UPDATE qryCurrentAuth INNER JOIN tblActivity ON
qryCurrentAuth.ClientID = tblActivity.ClientID SET
tblActivity.PrintedOn = Now()
WHERE (((tblActivity.PrintedOn) Is Null) AND
((tblActivity.ProcID) Not Like "M*" And
(tblActivity.ProcID) Not Like "P*") AND
((tblActivity.InsuranceID)="AAM") AND
I've recently made a query for billing where I work. The
query displays only those activities whose insuranceID
= "AAM", whose DateOfService is <= the maximum
authorization date ([LastDate] in a query qryCurrentAuth)
and whose PrintedOn value = Null. The query works just
fine. However, I want to then use the criteria from that
same query for an update query to update the PrintedOn
Value to Now().
So, to summarize:
one table and one query make up the new update query
tblActivity -- use fields
ProcID (to filter out missed appointments and phone calls)
DateOf (to filter out dates which are not authorized and
to update to =Now())
PrintedOn (to filter out already printed activities)
qryCurrentAuth (to pull the LastDate value to filter the
DateOf value in tblActivity)
That's it. I have the criteria set the exact same, only
in the PrintedOn field I have the UpdateTo value set to
Now(). When I run it I get the error
"Operation must use an updateable query"
Since I'm only using the other query to filter my record
set, I don't quite understand why I'm getting this
message. I posted the actual SQL for the query below as
UPDATE qryCurrentAuth INNER JOIN tblActivity ON
qryCurrentAuth.ClientID = tblActivity.ClientID SET
tblActivity.PrintedOn = Now()
WHERE (((tblActivity.PrintedOn) Is Null) AND
((tblActivity.ProcID) Not Like "M*" And
(tblActivity.ProcID) Not Like "P*") AND
((tblActivity.InsuranceID)="AAM") AND