Thanks Allen for your response. I am running this as an Access Query. I
not come accross the Immediate Window before. When I looked it up it is to
with Visual Basic - how do I use it to debug an Access Query?
Your comment about Access misunderstanding caused me to change a few field
names in the tables so that all had different names. I changed 'Path' and
'Name' to 'FilePath', 'FileName' in the 'Files' table and 'DirPath' and
'DirName' in the 'Directories' table. This time I did not get the
error but did get the empty field (which I got with the query below in
addition to the conversion error as you suspected I should).
The context is. 'Files' and 'Directories' are tables in the same Access
database as the query. 'DirSize' and 'FileSize' are Double fields in the
'Directories' and 'Files' tables. 'DirPath', 'DirName', 'FilePath' and
'FileName' are 255 text fields in the 'Directories' and 'Files' tables.
The content of the 'Files' table is a list of all files and directories of
hard drive gained using the 'log parser' utility. The 'FilePath' field is
directory path with out the file or directory name. I populated the
'Directories' table with an insert query from the 'Files' table extracting
the records with a 'D' in the Attributes column. Thus the intention is to
find the total size of all the files in each directory and its
- hence the 'like' condition with a '*' on the end.
If you are able to help further with that information then I will be very
Thanks for your time.
Allen Browne said:
In what context are you running this?
To debug the problem, open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G), and break the
expression down into chunks:
? "[Path] like """ & [Path] & [Name] & "*"""
? DSUM("[FileSize]", "Files", "[Path] like """ & [Path] & [Name] & "*""")
and so on.
Nearly everything in Access has a Name property, so Access may
what you intend there. But I would expect that would cause no result, not
type conversion error.
I have a table containing the directories, names and sizes of a set of
I have created a table containing just the directories. I am now trying
update the directory size column of the directory table by summing the
of all files in each directory and its subdirectories. My query returns
data conversion error. Both size fields are 'doubles'. My query is:
UPDATE Directories SET Directories.DirSize =
DSUM("[FileSize]", "Files", "[Path] like """ & [Path] & [Name] &
Any ideas?