Update One Access Database from Another w/o Table Linking



I have a situation that I was hopeing someone with more Access
experience than I can help me with. I have two Access databases in
different directories. One database is in a directoy that just I have
access to. It contains accounting data including payroll
information. The other database has almost all the same tables as the
first (except for the payroll tables and one or two others). The
second database is used by a number of poeple that I do not want to
have access to the payroll information, I need to update the second
databse monthly and am not sure of the best way to do it. The easiest
way would be to link the tables but the other people do not (for good
reason) have access to the directory that only I have access to. I
have a total of about 7-8 tables that need to be linked/ updated from
my db to the other one on a monthly basis. Can anyone suggest the
best solution for this situation. Thanks in advance.

Albert D. Kallal

Well, those users with linked tables to a file that they don't have
permissions to would presumably not be able to use that data...

Another approach is for you to have a special database with those extra
linked tables.
(I assuming a split database, and each user gets a copy of the front
end..right? so,
keep a special copy for you with the linked tables).

Further, you can certainly crate code, or eve update queries that use non
linked dbases and tables.


dim rstData as dao.Recordset
dim db as dao.Database

Normally, you code goes:

set db = currentdb
set rstDate = db.OpenRecordSet("tblPayments")

however, you could open a table from anothe datbase

set db = OpendataBase("c:\path to other database.mdb")
set rstDate = db.OpenRecordSet("tblPayments")

So, you can well easy use code to open tables in other files.

Furhter, if you doing tupdateing via quires (espcially appending data), then
you can use a query like:

INSERT INTO Child3 ( ID, Mytext ) IN 'C:\Documents and Settings\Lawrence\My
SELECT Table3.ID, Table3.[MypText]
FROM Table3;

note how the table name, and database can be specified by using "in" for the
external database.

So, from both quires, and reocrdsets...you can well open and use other
databases..but not have linked tables...

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