Update of Fields - Data Entry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Crispy
  • Start date Start date


I have a main data form that will not allow updates when I edit - In any
field -

Anyone have any thoughts how this can be corrected or how to add a data
entry form for all the fields I want which come from a mix of tables through
a query?


The diagnosis/solution for the form problem you describe is going to be
pretty much as we discussed in your post of Nov. 23 - and in the responses
to your post from earlier this afternoon:

Your Form properties should be set as follows:

Allow Additions should be 'Yes'
Allow Deletions should be 'Yes'
Allow Edits should be 'Yes'

RecordSet Type should be 'Dynaset'

And, since you indicate that the record source of your form is a "mix of
tables", you should check to see that the query that is composed of this mix
of tables is, in fact, an Updateable Query. You can do this by opening the
query itself without using the form and attempting to make an edit to any of
the fields in the query. If an edit cannot be made in the query itself,
then it will not be permissible in the form. If your query is not
updateable, then re-thinking your design and the process or objective you
want to complete will be necessary.
1st mistake is placing multiple tables in a query against one form. This
more often than not makes your form not updateable. However, It is possible
to add tables that are related as subforms to a main form.
For more information I would read up on main/subforms in Access. This could
be through help, the internet, buying a book ( my recommendation).
Thanks for your patience on this...

I have checked the Query and all the Query data sheets are editable in all

All the check boxes you mention are correct, but still only ONE field is

Any other thoughts will be appreciated.


Since there are two active threads on this subject, let's do away with this
one and continue the dialog in the thread with the subject: Tables and Data

In that thread, would you post the exact SQL code that makes up the Record
Source of your form?