Since we all seem to be in the same boat about updating, I think it would be
a help to ALL if someone (whoever knows these things!) would post EVERY day
what the current signautre is. Since mine SEEMS to be th current sig.
(1.14.1353.2) but Windows updates keep telling me I need to update and is
doing so automatically constantly, it would be great if we knew where we all
stand on this subject. I actually unchecked the auto update because iat is
totally unnecessary to keep having Windows update it, when it aopparently
doesn't need it. So there should be somewhere on this forum we can all go to
to see what is currently up to date. I can't understand why Microsoft can't
fix this problem. It is making me wish I hadn't uninsalled MSAV. It worked
a help to ALL if someone (whoever knows these things!) would post EVERY day
what the current signautre is. Since mine SEEMS to be th current sig.
(1.14.1353.2) but Windows updates keep telling me I need to update and is
doing so automatically constantly, it would be great if we knew where we all
stand on this subject. I actually unchecked the auto update because iat is
totally unnecessary to keep having Windows update it, when it aopparently
doesn't need it. So there should be somewhere on this forum we can all go to
to see what is currently up to date. I can't understand why Microsoft can't
fix this problem. It is making me wish I hadn't uninsalled MSAV. It worked