Update not working on Win2k SP2


Jason Paton


I have two different laptops running Windows 2000 Professional with Service
Pack 2 installed. Whenenver i run the update program to apply the latest
service pack or run the mircosoft installer to install applications it just
stops during the installation without any errors.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any help gratefully received.

Jason Paton


I'm currently experiencing the exact same problem. Are
your drives FAT or NTFS? It was indicated elsewhere that
this may have some sort of effect on updates, but I have no
idea. I'm using NTFS. Also, I tried to upgrade (or
basically revert) my W2K install using the installation
disk, but I get an error message saying that a previous
installation hasn't completed. Restarting doesn't change
the error. It seems that a fragmented previous
installation is the issue, but I can't fix it.



I did the network install and downloaded w2ksp4_en.exe and
booted up in safe mode, and it installed! good luck

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