update nightmare



at least some of you are able to boot up and uninstall
this crap. i can't get past the 'windows is starting'
window. yes, i have tried safe mode. i tried all 8-10
options on that page. i am emailing with ms, but they
don't seem to read very well, so a lot of time has been

this is very frustrating.

tonight, i am going to fiddle with my hardware (even
though diag tools says there are not problems), and move
my modem to my desktop so i can still function until ms
finds a way to fix this.



Try a repair from CD.

Posted earlier, and worked for me:

Go into the BIOS and change your Boot Order. Make CD-ROM first.
Place your Installation Win2000 CD in the tray and restart your box.
When the posting is started, you can tap the spacebar, and enter
When first prompted to Install or Repair, choose Install
After several more prompts you are asked if you want to Repair or go
forward with a
new install
This time choose "Repair"
The boot disk set is loaded and go from there.
After completion, you will need to install any SP's you care to do.
Also, you will need to reinstall I.E.6SP1, and it will be fresh (data
and settings inplace)



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