I keep getting an Update Message pop up on my screen all the time. Every few
minutes at times. There isnt a day it hasnt come up. It doesnt tell me what I
am updating or anything and nothing happens when I hit the yes button. What
could it be and how do I get it to stop coming up??
Update Alert X
? New version is available. Would you like to download and install new
Yes No
When I try to just X it out it wont let me.

minutes at times. There isnt a day it hasnt come up. It doesnt tell me what I
am updating or anything and nothing happens when I hit the yes button. What
could it be and how do I get it to stop coming up??
Update Alert X
? New version is available. Would you like to download and install new
Yes No
When I try to just X it out it wont let me.
