Karen's Directory Printer
No more fumbling with My Computer or Windows Explorer,
wishing you could print information about all your files.
Karen's Directory Printer can print the name of every file
on a drive, along with the file's size, date and time of
last modification, and attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System
and Archive)! And now, the list of files can be sorted by name,
size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.
Updated April 9, 2004
Version 4.2.2:
Added workaround for files with invalid Creation/Last Access/Last
Modified dates. Add font selection option to new Printer dialog (and
as a result, removed the Select Font button from the program's main
Version 4.2.1:
Fixed bug that prevented program from operating correctly when
launched from the "Print with DirPrn" context menu. Also improved
support for printing network folders from the context menu.
Version 4.2:
Added two options when saving folder information to a disk file:
Suppress/omit COMMENT lines, and suppress/omit FILE and FOLDER IDs
from other lines. Also added new setting on "Other Settings" tab that
orders the program to stop remembering your other settings between
Version 4.1.4:
Worked around bug that caused "Invalid Key" error when run under some
editions of Windows (French?). Sped up initial load of program.
Version 4.1.3:
Fixed bug that prevented printing in selected font color. Made more
changes to support for non-default printers.
Version 4.1.2:
Improved support for non-Default printers.
Version 4.1.1:
Added section to Help file documenting the new Printer Settings
Version 4.1:
Changed the way the program asks for printer settings, to (hopefully)
work around a bug that prevented some users from printing.
Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
The secret of life is to use
stumbling blocks as stepping stones.
No more fumbling with My Computer or Windows Explorer,
wishing you could print information about all your files.
Karen's Directory Printer can print the name of every file
on a drive, along with the file's size, date and time of
last modification, and attributes (Read-Only, Hidden, System
and Archive)! And now, the list of files can be sorted by name,
size, date created, date last modified, or date of last access.
Updated April 9, 2004
Version 4.2.2:
Added workaround for files with invalid Creation/Last Access/Last
Modified dates. Add font selection option to new Printer dialog (and
as a result, removed the Select Font button from the program's main
Version 4.2.1:
Fixed bug that prevented program from operating correctly when
launched from the "Print with DirPrn" context menu. Also improved
support for printing network folders from the context menu.
Version 4.2:
Added two options when saving folder information to a disk file:
Suppress/omit COMMENT lines, and suppress/omit FILE and FOLDER IDs
from other lines. Also added new setting on "Other Settings" tab that
orders the program to stop remembering your other settings between
Version 4.1.4:
Worked around bug that caused "Invalid Key" error when run under some
editions of Windows (French?). Sped up initial load of program.
Version 4.1.3:
Fixed bug that prevented printing in selected font color. Made more
changes to support for non-default printers.
Version 4.1.2:
Improved support for non-Default printers.
Version 4.1.1:
Added section to Help file documenting the new Printer Settings
Version 4.1:
Changed the way the program asks for printer settings, to (hopefully)
work around a bug that prevented some users from printing.
Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
The secret of life is to use
stumbling blocks as stepping stones.