Is there anyway one can obtain the upgrade CD from VS.NET 2002 to VS.NET
2003. I bought the Visual Studio Enterprise Architect 2002 when it came out
and missed out on the opportunity to buy an update to VS.NET 2003 when it
was being offered on the Microsoft Web Site. Where can I find the update
Any help would be appreciated.
I want to use the .NET Framework 1.1 and above for my development and would
also like to develop apps for PPC2003 but cannot do either with VS.NET 2002.
Ich möchte gerne das Update für VS.NET 2002 auf VS.NET 2003. Wo finde ich
Ich möchte Apps für PPC2003 entwickeln und auch unter .NET Framework 1.1
aber leider ist es mit VS.NET 2002 nicht möglich.
Bitte um mehr Info.
Is there anyway one can obtain the upgrade CD from VS.NET 2002 to VS.NET
2003. I bought the Visual Studio Enterprise Architect 2002 when it came out
and missed out on the opportunity to buy an update to VS.NET 2003 when it
was being offered on the Microsoft Web Site. Where can I find the update
Any help would be appreciated.
I want to use the .NET Framework 1.1 and above for my development and would
also like to develop apps for PPC2003 but cannot do either with VS.NET 2002.
Ich möchte gerne das Update für VS.NET 2002 auf VS.NET 2003. Wo finde ich
Ich möchte Apps für PPC2003 entwickeln und auch unter .NET Framework 1.1
aber leider ist es mit VS.NET 2002 nicht möglich.
Bitte um mehr Info.