[UPDATE] FreeQueryBuilder v0.05

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nickyb
  • Start date Start date


Through *FreeQueryBuilder* you can write your query statements in
graphical mode. You can view the database structure as table, keys and

Is written in pure java (JDK 1.3 or higher) and is distributed under the


(e-mail address removed)

pleas send me any questions or suggestions!!! ;)

regards, nickyb.
Through *FreeQueryBuilder* you can write your query statements in
graphical mode. You can view the database structure as table, keys and
Is written in pure java (JDK 1.3 or higher) and is distributed under the

< snip >

Freeware query builders are in short supply for databases like MySQL
IMO. If yours turns out to be any good then it will be a definite
"Pricelessware" candidate IMO. :-)

As for your site. You might like to add a little more "hand holding"
for your windows visitors. For example IMO it isn't totally clear
whether your "tests" represent examples or whether they are the
only platforms that will work.

Also, for someone like myself, is the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
needed as well as a standard Java installation ? On a '98 system ? If
so then telling people if/how/where one needs to register Database
Drivers would be an idea.

I believe it is pretty difficult to do but you might also consider
having your program create a web page (PHP ?) to incorporate the
created query/queries.

Regards, John.
John said:
... For example IMO it isn't totally clear
whether your "tests" represent examples or whether they are the
only platforms that will work.

My "tests" represent only examples. I think it work with any db.
Also, for someone like myself, is the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
needed as well as a standard Java installation ? On a '98 system ? If
so then telling people if/how/where one needs to register Database
Drivers would be an idea.

Put drivers: %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext
Then type the driver class name in the connection window...
I believe it is pretty difficult to do but you might also consider
having your program create a web page (PHP ?) to incorporate the
created query/queries.

Can you send me an example of PHP web page that incorporates a query?
Then I'll work on it to decide if possible or not to do it.
Regards, John.

Thank you for your advice.
John said:
[...] For example IMO it isn't totally clear
whether your "tests" represent examples or whether they are the
only platforms that will work.

"tests" represent only examples! I think it work with all DB (JDBC support)
Also, for someone like myself, is the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
needed as well as a standard Java installation ? On a '98 system ? If
so then telling people if/how/where one needs to register Database
Drivers would be an idea.

Put driver: said:
I believe it is pretty difficult to do but you might also consider
having your program create a web page (PHP ?) to incorporate the
created query/queries.

Please, send me a example...
Regards, John.

Thank you for your advice.
Ciao, Nickyb.
John Fitzsimons wrote:
My "tests" represent only examples. I think it work with any db.
Put drivers: %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext
Then type the driver class name in the connection window...

Okay, I assume the former means to put it in the Java home directory.
Can you send me an example of PHP web page that incorporates a query?
Then I'll work on it to decide if possible or not to do it.

That is the problem I am having. Finding a program and/or a web page
to do that. The closest I have come to finding such pages are ;



There is probably better info in the MySQL manual BUT one would need
to do a bit of searching (search on "PHP" ?).


Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
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