-----Original Message-----
You need to use a recordset object to accomplish this.
Are you using Access 2k or above? Are you using an
Access .adp/ade or .mdb/.mde?
Access 2K/XP Code
Private Sub SalesTaxRate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Goto HandleError
'holds the recordset you want to get the data from
dim rst as New ADODB.Recordset
'holds the value for the textbox on your form
dim strShipCity as String
'pass the value to the variable
'get the record that you want
rst.open "SELECT [City and County].[Tax
Rate]FROM [City and County] WHERE [City and
County].[City]='" & strShipCity
& "'",CurrentProject.Connection
'if there are some records to be had, set
'the text box equal to the value in the FIRST record
'Your query should be configured in a way
'which returns 1 record at the most
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
me.SalesTaxRate=rst("Tax Rate")
End If
Exit Sub
Msgbox err.description & "(" & err.number & ")"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub
Access 97 Code
Private Sub SalesTaxRate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Goto HandleError
'holds the recordset you want to get the data from
dim rst as Recordset
'holds the value for the textbox on your form
dim strShipCity as String
'pass the value to the variable
'get the record that you want
Set rst=CurrentDB.openrecordset ("SELECT [City and
County].[Tax Rate]FROM [City and County] WHERE [City and
County].[City]='" & strShipCity & "'",dbOpenSnapShot)
'if there are some records to be had, set
'the text box equal to the value in the FIRST record
'Your query should be configured in a way
'which returns 1 record at the most
If Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF Then
me.SalesTaxRate=rst("Tax Rate")
End If
Exit Sub
Msgbox err.description & "(" & err.number & ")"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
I have not had any luck to get this forms box to update
when I doubleclick it...can anyone tell me what is wrong
with the coding???
Private Sub SalesTaxRate_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Me.SalesTaxRate = "SELECT [City and County]. [Tax
Rate]FROM [City and County] WHERE Me.ShipCity = [City and
End Sub
I get a runtime error -2147352567(80020009) The value you
entered isn't valid for this field.