UPDATE FIX (Questions)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Edward Lamarre
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Edward Lamarre

I have been in the computer industry for 20+ Years. I am a
programmer and thought I could help you people out.

Your interest in why I have not replied to you questions
up to now.

I WORK! I think that is simple enough answer. Unlike many
people I do not have 24 Hours a day to look at this
computer screen.

Why has the program changed?

It is the same program compiled in a different location
after moving it from one pc to another.

I only actually uploaded 1 file to the online site, but, I
just realized that maybe the new compile was sent when I
did a few updates to the web site.

Why I made this if there is a said fix already in place?

The other fixes I have seen, for example:

The reinstall.
Does not work for all pc's.

The download an copy files from here to there.
Not everyone would know how to do that. As simple as it
may seem to most of us.

Why have I choosen not to use my email address?

I get enough junk mail already.

If you have anymore questions or concerns. I will answer
them under this link ONLY!

Oh and the why have I posted under ever link. I was hoping
that microsoft would see that this is a real issue for
people and fix it.

Edward Lamarre

I also thought that I would point out that you as you seem
to be trying to make yourself out to be are NOT the only
honest person in this world.

I respect the fact that you feel you need to try and
protect people. But don't do it at my expense. Honest
people do still exist and you are basing your decisions on
ill facts, for instance.

The file is hosted from a site that I own. If I choose to
host a file from my PC or my website should not matter.

Just because I do not reply back to you as fast as you
would like does not mean that I will not reply when I see
your question and have time to actually answer them.

As far as the difference in the file, it was just plan an
simply compiled in a different place then the first file.

My suggestion not jump all over something just because you
think you the only honest person left in this world.

There are still more people left like yourself and I.
(Thank GOD) - Ops I said GOD! Hope that doesn't offend

I hope that if it does offend anyone that you really sit
back and think about what you are offended about.

Edward Lamarre
Maybe this explanation helps:

Edward probably uses AUTOGEN from www.sourceforge.net.
AutoGen is a programgenerator/editor; that could explain
the OLB-file
because the (VB) compiler did not remove source related
The OCA-file could be or is a similar remnant concerning
an OCX or Control
Typelib Cache.


Although I do not use this program. When compiling the
program information is not always removed as Jan suggests
and this is another posibility for what you have seen.

I can assure you that thre is nothing in this program that
is dis-honest.

I will post the complete package @

http://www.ezcatalogs.com/programs/vb-update fix.zip

You may all then do as you wish with the pogram. Check it
out and compile it on you own.

Personal Note:
Thank You Jan.

Edward Lamarre
Hi Edward

id noticed a change in the file so i asked a simple
question ,Im not trying to make myself out to be the only
honest person around but just asked a question about the

Im sorry if this has offended you but if it was me trying
to promote a fix then id be more than happy to answer any
questions especially if i had changed the file,even if
this was a innocent change,

like i said i did just post this question once at 8am on
the signatures group but didnt receive any reply from
you,you then posted on every group including the
signatures group at 9.30am but again you ignored my
simple question this made me feel that you may be hiding
something so i thought its best to be safe and post on
your other topics just incase there was something wrong
with this file.

I think its worked out well as you have now posted the
code so users can now see what your fix does and it takes
away any doubts over the file.Im not trying to put users
off your file now you have posted the code ,I appreciate
you have put alot of work into this fix and you deserve
credit for that but posting without contact details will
always raise questions especially when they appear many

Like you say its up to you where you host this file and
your call how many times a day you post it on here but it
looked like you avoided my question so i wasnt sure what
the problem was

Again im sorry if i offended you but that wasnt the
intention ,you know yourself from all the experience you
have how easy it is to hide something inside a genuine
file so i was just asking why the change ? You've
answered this so i will wish you all the best , if Robin
Walker didnt provide a fix for this im sure your business
would be booming but the fix that was posted has worked
fine for me so i dont feel the need to use a third party
program to fix the update bug,

Im sure there will be alot of users who would be more
interested in your file now you have been open about
it .Like i said i dont want to interfere with the
business you are running thats nothing to do with me and
none of my business but i did wonder why you decided to
ignore my post originally as you just posted a new topic
on the same group at 9.30am instead of replying to my
question which was posted at 8am,

Im sorry if i read into that abit too much and hope you
carry on posting fixes so that any users who want them
can use them, Im always suspicious of files that get
posted without a email address on anysite but thats just
my view and i dont mean to put users off your file ,I
knows its not for me as i dont have a problem now ive
used Robin Walkers fix but there maybe is many users who
are eager to run your fix tool,

I offer my Sincere Apologies if i have offended you in
any way as thats not what i use this site for,this is
just myown view on running files from unknown sources.



(e-mail address removed) ;)
Maybe I missed your first question.

I only posted to many places so as to make sure people saw
that there was an alternative to the other fix in which I
am glad has worked for you. I guess all in all we are
saying the same thing.

So, I see all your points and I feel that you see all
mine. I also realize that there is more bad then good help
out here in cyberspace. Hopefully people have gathered
from our conversations that either of our fixes are in the
best of intentions and hopefully I have set a place for
myself as a person of trust, so that any future help I try
to impose will not go untrusted.

I would try Robin Walkers fix first and try any other
solution other then using a third party fix such as mine.

If all else fails I would then use mine.

Edward Lamarre