i'm copying a table from one SQL server to another. here i'm just
selecting all rows from source table and selecting 0 row from dest
table just to create the commands for insert/update/delete etc...now
problem is when i do dataadapter.update it will try to insert all new
rows in dest table which is fine but what if i'm trying to insert 5
rows but 1st row violates the Primary Key constraint..in this case i
want to skip the 1st row and insert reamining 4 rows. can someone
guide me how to do this ?
below is the code snipset
string sourcequerystring = "select * from " + table + "
with(nolock) " + filter;
string destquerystring = "select top 0 * from " + table;
//get source records
SqlConnection srcconn = new SqlConnection(sourcedb);
SqlConnection destconn = new SqlConnection(destdb);
DataSet srcDataSet = new DataSet();
SqlCommand srcCommand = new SqlCommand(sourcequerystring,srcconn);
SqlDataAdapter srcDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
srcCommand.CommandTimeout = commandtimeout;
srcDA.SelectCommand = srcCommand;
//insert to the destionation table
SqlCommand destCommand = new SqlCommand(destquerystring,destconn);
SqlDataAdapter destDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
destDA.SelectCommand = destCommand;
destCommand.CommandTimeout = commandtimeout;
SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(destDA);
DataSet destDataSet = new DataSet();
foreach(DataRow dr in srcDataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
DataRow dr1 = destDataSet.Tables[0].NewRow() ;
dr1.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray;
i'm copying a table from one SQL server to another. here i'm just
selecting all rows from source table and selecting 0 row from dest
table just to create the commands for insert/update/delete etc...now
problem is when i do dataadapter.update it will try to insert all new
rows in dest table which is fine but what if i'm trying to insert 5
rows but 1st row violates the Primary Key constraint..in this case i
want to skip the 1st row and insert reamining 4 rows. can someone
guide me how to do this ?
below is the code snipset
string sourcequerystring = "select * from " + table + "
with(nolock) " + filter;
string destquerystring = "select top 0 * from " + table;
//get source records
SqlConnection srcconn = new SqlConnection(sourcedb);
SqlConnection destconn = new SqlConnection(destdb);
DataSet srcDataSet = new DataSet();
SqlCommand srcCommand = new SqlCommand(sourcequerystring,srcconn);
SqlDataAdapter srcDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
srcCommand.CommandTimeout = commandtimeout;
srcDA.SelectCommand = srcCommand;
//insert to the destionation table
SqlCommand destCommand = new SqlCommand(destquerystring,destconn);
SqlDataAdapter destDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
destDA.SelectCommand = destCommand;
destCommand.CommandTimeout = commandtimeout;
SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(destDA);
DataSet destDataSet = new DataSet();
foreach(DataRow dr in srcDataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
DataRow dr1 = destDataSet.Tables[0].NewRow() ;
dr1.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray;