update.exe pegs cpu at 100%



When I try to install the October security updates for
Windows XP (includes updates KB828035, 823182, 825119,
824141, 826232), update.exe hangs with 100% cpu usage
after installing the first update. I can end it with task
manager, go back to Windows update to install the
remaining updates, and the same thing happens again after
installation of 1 or 2 updates. Installing the whole
package takes 3-4 attempts, and the program hangs each
This behaviour has occurred on each of several machines
running Windows XP Professional SP1, with all previous
critical updates installed. (It also happens on machines
running Windows 2000 server sp4 or professional sp4.)
Has anyone else observed this? Does anyone have a
solution? I'd appreciate any insight.



We're seeing the same thing on Windows 2000 SP4, but only with two of the updates (826232 and 828035). There's another thread discussion, "problems with last 5 security updates lockup 10-16-03", that talks about this as well. Someone there is theorizing that it may be related to having applied security templates. This is consistent with what we have seen thus far.

Scott Mitzel

----- Andrew wrote: -----

When I try to install the October security updates for
Windows XP (includes updates KB828035, 823182, 825119,
824141, 826232), update.exe hangs with 100% cpu usage
after installing the first update. I can end it with task
manager, go back to Windows update to install the
remaining updates, and the same thing happens again after
installation of 1 or 2 updates. Installing the whole
package takes 3-4 attempts, and the program hangs each
This behaviour has occurred on each of several machines
running Windows XP Professional SP1, with all previous
critical updates installed. (It also happens on machines
running Windows 2000 server sp4 or professional sp4.)
Has anyone else observed this? Does anyone have a
solution? I'd appreciate any insight.


....Yea. I've seen it for a while now on W2000 professional...It's getting worse. I thought it was because I was doing some video streaming(downloads) ...but after looking hard at the stats...it obvious its something else. Anyone got a fix or workaround? IT's pretty anoying to have to keep using the task manger to stop the app and start it again time after time...! thanks


Microsoft discovered a problem with their patches and reissued new versions of them. The actual patches themselves are the same, but the mechanism used to install them won't hang. See KB article 830846 for details.


----- cowboy808 wrote: -----

...Yea. I've seen it for a while now on W2000 professional...It's getting worse. I thought it was because I was doing some video streaming(downloads) ...but after looking hard at the stats...it obvious its something else. Anyone got a fix or workaround? IT's pretty anoying to have to keep using the task manger to stop the app and start it again time after time...! thanks

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