enrico via DotNetMonster.com
my update command works just fine and i have three fields that represents
double because they are number fields and in my database i gave them a
default value of 0. but when i change those values an error occurs saying
something like data truncate on that field. here's my update code by the way:
Dim myquery As New MyClasslibrary.MyHelper
Dim freeserv As Integer = 0
If CheckBox1.Checked Then
freeserv = 1
freeserv = 0
End If
With myquery
Dim id As String = ""
.runQuery(" UPDATE tbltrcclient tc SET Lastname = '" & TextBox3.
Text & "', Firstname = '" & TextBox4.Text & "', " _
& " tc.Barangay = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "' " _
& " where tc.ClientID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' ")
.runQuery(" Update tbltrcservice ts set Date = '" &
DateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "' , `Sitio/Purok` = '" &
TextBox5.Text & "', ts.Barangay = '" & ComboBox2.Text & "', " _
& " NatureofService = '" & ComboBox3.Text & "', NoOfHectares = '"
& TextBox7.Text & "', NoOfLiters = '" & TextBox9.Text & "', " _
& " TotalAmount = '" & TextBox11.Text & "', Free = '" & freeserv.
ToString & "', AmountPaid = '" & TextBox12.Text & "', " _
& " AmountRemaining = '" & TextBox13.Text & "', Remarks = '" &
TextBox14.Text & "' where ts.ClientID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' ")
MessageBox.Show("Data Updated.")
End With
my double fields are TotalAmount, AmountPaid and AmountRemaining. can anyone
help how to get rid of the error?
double because they are number fields and in my database i gave them a
default value of 0. but when i change those values an error occurs saying
something like data truncate on that field. here's my update code by the way:
Dim myquery As New MyClasslibrary.MyHelper
Dim freeserv As Integer = 0
If CheckBox1.Checked Then
freeserv = 1
freeserv = 0
End If
With myquery
Dim id As String = ""
.runQuery(" UPDATE tbltrcclient tc SET Lastname = '" & TextBox3.
Text & "', Firstname = '" & TextBox4.Text & "', " _
& " tc.Barangay = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "' " _
& " where tc.ClientID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' ")
.runQuery(" Update tbltrcservice ts set Date = '" &
DateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") & "' , `Sitio/Purok` = '" &
TextBox5.Text & "', ts.Barangay = '" & ComboBox2.Text & "', " _
& " NatureofService = '" & ComboBox3.Text & "', NoOfHectares = '"
& TextBox7.Text & "', NoOfLiters = '" & TextBox9.Text & "', " _
& " TotalAmount = '" & TextBox11.Text & "', Free = '" & freeserv.
ToString & "', AmountPaid = '" & TextBox12.Text & "', " _
& " AmountRemaining = '" & TextBox13.Text & "', Remarks = '" &
TextBox14.Text & "' where ts.ClientID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' ")
MessageBox.Show("Data Updated.")
End With
my double fields are TotalAmount, AmountPaid and AmountRemaining. can anyone
help how to get rid of the error?