[Update] ClrMamePro v3.50

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ClrMamePro v3.50

Overview :

ClrMamePro is a so called ROM-manager. It's mainly programmed for
M.A.M.E. the Multi-Arcade-Machine-Emulator. If you want to know more
about this emulator you should visit its homepage: http://www.mame.net.
ClrMamePro can be used with other emulators, too. If you want to know
how, read this documentation carefully. Especially the part about
datfiles. You know the problem: Nearly every two weeks a new M.A.M.E.
release hits the Internet and so many things are changed. Some sets are
added, renamed, deleted, etc...Cleaning your ROMs by hand would take
hours. So ClrMamePro can be very useful to update your ROMs. It can
report missing, wrong named, wrong sized, unneeded sets, ROMs and
samples. It tells you which have a wrong checksum and it even can fix
all these problems. It also can merge, unmerge, rebuild files. But
that's not all. Find out what ClrMamePro can do for you.

What's New:

* Set-Subfolder support was added. THE most requested thing since
years...well...enjoy (and test) it.
* Read the whatsnew.txt file carefully if you're interested in
* If you're a standard Just-MAME user...don't care...MAME doesn't
use set-subfolders.
* Several other improvements/fixes were made too...take a look at
* Feel free to donate ;)

Homepage: http://www.clrmame.com/

For related software, check out:

Kind regards,


E-mail: (e-mail address removed) (remove NOSPAM)
Homepage: Arjan.org's Absolute Freeware Links (http://www.arjan.org)
Here's the correct 'What's New':

* Added Set-Subfolder support.

This includes full scanner/rebuilder/merger/dir2dat set-subfolder
support for
zipped and unzipped sets.

Set-Subfolders? Yes...you can have folderstructures for
rom/samples/diskimages now...something like:

rom ( name namcopac.6j size 4096 crc 7a36fe55 sha1 01b....
rom ( name sub1\pacman.5e size 4096 crc 0c944964 sha1 06e....
rom ( name sub1\pacman.5f size 4096 crc 958fedf9 sha1 4a9....
rom ( name sub1\sub2\82s123.7f size 32 crc 2fc650bd sha1 8d02....
rom ( name sub1\sub2\82s126.4a size 256 crc 3eb3a8e4 sha1

Some things you should know:

* You can use / or \ in the datfile.
* There is no subfolder limit in the datfile....this is limited by
your OS.
* The character '`' (chr(96) iirc) is used internally. If you're
using it in a rom/sample/etc name, it'll be converted to "'".
* You can't have empty folders statements. Tough luck...
* You can have equal files (same crc32 and/or same name) in
different folders. Of course this can cause some trouble when a
namechange happens.
* Set-Subfolder support is NOT the same as rompath-subfolder
support. Think about it...you'll easily see the differences.
* Since samples don't have size or any hashvalue stored,
clrmamepro's name check isn't used for samples. Now combined with
samples in a subfolders, you can run into a missing sample sub\wav /
unneeded sample wav issues.
* Some zipprograms add some special folder entry for subfolders.
ClrMamePro doesn't and can optionally mark these space- asting
structures as unneeded. The extra structure is NOT needed and is NOT
zip standard anyway.
* Since it's the first release with set-subfolder support...test it
;) if you find something suspicious, lemme know. I can't see all
possible sideeffects by now so it's your own risk to use it ;)

....and some more whatsnew....

* added: profiler->clear cache button
* misc: improved diskimage unneeded/wrong placed detection
* misc: dir2dat doesn't include 0-byte files
* misc: rebuilder beep is now a gobal setting
* misc: some minor changes to cache load/save and backupfolder
routines and some minor text changes
* misc: replaced official buttonbar (old one is available in the
buttons folder)
* misc: changed backup behaviour. Only zip backup'ed files if they
were in a zip before. This prevents unneeded chd files from being
* misc: changed rebuilder display from "x rebuilt | y skipped" to
"x matched" since a match doesn't necessarily mean the file is being
* fixed: fixmessagebox doubles the character &
* fixed: rebuilder backup option wasn't used when working with
zipped files. It used the settings backup..tsk tsk tsk ;)
* fixed: some uncatched exceptions in chd reading routines