[Update] cam2pc v4.4.5 - Image browser, viewer and image downloader

  • Thread starter Thread starter CoMa
  • Start date Start date



This is what cam2pc freeware edition can do:
-Automatically download pictures from your camera
-Explore your images with the Image Browser
-View your images in full-screen
(automatic slideshow with more then 80 transition effects)
-View your video files in full-screen
-Batch rename/resize/convert your pictures
-Locate your pictures with "Go To Folder"
-Print individual images and contact sheets
-View EXIF metadata
-Lossless rotating and flipping
(automatic if supported by camera)
-Link to up to ten external image editors
-Automatically rotate your desktop wallpaper using your images

Version 4.4.5
7 November 2004
-Fullscreen slideshow always looped
-Thumbnails aspect ratio was broken
-Cursor was not visible when Printing from fullscreen

Version 4.4.4
10 October 2004
-Fixed erratic behaviors when selecting transitions
-Orientation tag was not updated when using auto-transform
-Crash reports is now disabled by default

Version 4.4.3
2 October 2004
-Fixed decoding of Fuji makernotes
-1/... Exposure Time properly displayed in thumbnails tooltip
-Added support for more cameras (including Canon D20)
-Fixed thumbnails of really small images when thumbnail
frames are activated
-Updated gdiplus.dll to safe version
(see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-028.mspx)

Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness
hubbabub- said:

Thanks, CoMa. I didn't realise I was running v4.3 until I saw your post
and checked my version. The only buggy thing I have found in v4.3 is
that when I set it to create a directory according to date, it sometimes
reverts to the template that requires the user to add comments per
picture as it downloads (I don't use this feature).

Checked your website last night too, you handsome devil, you. ;-)
