After long hassles, I eventually got Windows Update working
again on one of my systems.
Then, I had to revert to a default Registry hive (don't
ask...<g>) and, with that, Update fails.
I looked for BITS in Services to see if it was started, and
found, to my surprise, that it had vanished.
Soooooo, I re-installed BITS, and it started properly.
Then, with hope in my heart, I went back to the Update site,
read the license agreement, clicked OK, and immediately saw
the same dreaded screen telling me that the Update page I
needed was not working properly. (The page that provides the
bad news has a bunch of options for seeking help such as
newsgroups, a forum, and free email support from our friends
at MS.)
I will add that if I then return to the Update page at a
later point, it presents the EULA again, that is, no cookies
were apparently written to my system to tell the page that I
had already approved the EULA.
In any case, I am stuck, and would certainly welcome any
help you might provide.
Sincere thanks,
After long hassles, I eventually got Windows Update working
again on one of my systems.
Then, I had to revert to a default Registry hive (don't
ask...<g>) and, with that, Update fails.
I looked for BITS in Services to see if it was started, and
found, to my surprise, that it had vanished.
Soooooo, I re-installed BITS, and it started properly.
Then, with hope in my heart, I went back to the Update site,
read the license agreement, clicked OK, and immediately saw
the same dreaded screen telling me that the Update page I
needed was not working properly. (The page that provides the
bad news has a bunch of options for seeking help such as
newsgroups, a forum, and free email support from our friends
at MS.)
I will add that if I then return to the Update page at a
later point, it presents the EULA again, that is, no cookies
were apparently written to my system to tell the page that I
had already approved the EULA.
In any case, I am stuck, and would certainly welcome any
help you might provide.
Sincere thanks,