You need to have two recordsets on the page to have both tables selected.
Each recordset will then be properly written with the AddNew command
followed by the Update command. Having a form is unnecessary - was just
used for this example.
I recently built a process only page to add some data to a table -
<% newEmail = Request.QueryString("email") %>
<% If newEmail = "" Then newEmail="(e-mail address removed)" %>
Dim rsRateUpdateEmail
Dim rsRateUpdateEmail_numRows
Set rsRateUpdateEmail = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsRateUpdateEmail.ActiveConnection = MM_RFSOnline_STRING
rsRateUpdateEmail.Source = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tableEmailRateUpdate"
rsRateUpdateEmail.CursorType = 0
rsRateUpdateEmail.CursorLocation = 2
rsRateUpdateEmail.LockType = 3
rsRateUpdateEmail_numRows = 0
rsRateUpdateEmail("fieldEmail")= newEmail
rsRateUpdateEmail("fieldUseemail")= 1
It works very nicely....