N.A. Soucy
The disadvantage of copy and paste for an old add is that small errors can
slip in without you noticing!
Please note the correct for the time....
9 am till 1 pm. Sorry for the confusion!
Computer Garage Sale
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2003
Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Location: Ste-Genevieve Church (in basement)
2210 Arch St. (at the corner of Arch and Canterbury)
Admission $1 (kids free)
Table rental $10
For more information contact
Nicole Soucy @ 274-1564
slip in without you noticing!

9 am till 1 pm. Sorry for the confusion!
Computer Garage Sale
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2003
Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Location: Ste-Genevieve Church (in basement)
2210 Arch St. (at the corner of Arch and Canterbury)
Admission $1 (kids free)
Table rental $10
For more information contact
Nicole Soucy @ 274-1564