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Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I know I havent been active much as of late, something that I hope to fix soon. :D

In fact, PCReview is the first site where I created a online account so many years ago. And I have learned so much from the collective knowledge of everyone. You guys are my crazy online family, for better or for worst. :fool:

Keep on trucking PCReview! :thumb:
Hey Alf, it's good to see you, welcome home! :D

Going on the title of this thread, it's sounding like maybe you haven't been too well recently? If that is the case, hope you're on the mend now. :thumb:
Hey Alf, great to hear from you again :D

How are you keeping, anything new from your side of the pond? :)
Haha, everything is fine over here Taffy.

@Mucks and NV - Thanks guys, good to know I havent been forgotten. :D

I got some new bits of techology recently - Acer 27 inch monitor with 3d capability, Quite a beauty if I do say so myself.