Unwanted Review Toolbar

  • Thread starter Glenn and Tracy Brown
  • Start date

Glenn and Tracy Brown

Noticed that the review toolbar will appear when opening excel, when the
toolbar is one not requested. I uncheck it from the toolbar selections and
it re-appears after opening a new excel session. Is this a bug?

Stan Brown

Sun, 4 Nov 2007 07:42:28 -0600 from Glenn and Tracy Brown <gbrown198
Noticed that the review toolbar will appear when opening excel, when the
toolbar is one not requested. I uncheck it from the toolbar selections and
it re-appears after opening a new excel session. Is this a bug?

It might be, but more likely it occurs because you opened a document
that had reviewing stuff in it. I think this is a behavior that is
determined by "last document opened". IIRC, Auto/manual recalc is the
same way.

I've noticed this myself at work, but never at home. At work I have
to open workbooks from other people, and I've noticed the reviewing
toolbar sometimes spontaneously appears. If I then close Excel
without deleting the toolbar, the toolbar comes back when I reopen
Excel, even on an empty workbook.

So check before closing Excel, and delete that toolbar if it's there.
Then it should not appear when you open Excel.

Gord Dibben

A posting from Jim Rech addresses this.

Jim post..................

If the workbook is sent as an attachment to Outlook then File, Properties
are automatically added which will make the Reviewing toolbar appear when
the workbook is opened in Excel. I don't know of a way to stop this.

However, once you open the workbook in Excel you can remove these properties
and save the workbook. After that it will no longer cause the reviewing
toolbar to appear. Here's an old message on that:


The Reviewing toolbar in Excel pops up whenever you open a workbook that has
been emailed from within Excel "for review". There may be other ways to
make this happen too. If you do a File, Properties you'll see the custom
file properties that have been added that triggers this.

You can kill the added file properties manually or run the below macro to do
it. This macro is in my Personal and attached to a toolbar button because I
feel the same way as you about this toolbar.

Jim Rech
Excel MVP

Sub KillReviewingCustProps()
Dim x As DocumentProperties
Dim Counter As Integer
Set x = ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties
For Counter = x.Count To 1 Step -1
If Left(x.Item(Counter).Name, 1) = "_" Then _
CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False
End Sub

End Jim post.......................

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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