Unusually low video performance


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Just ran a complete system check from PC Pitstop and i have had this result..always thought the video wasnt up to scratch but didnt know what it was


TIP > Unusually Low Video Performance

Video performance of this system, 59.06 megapixels per second, is significantly lower than average.

About Video Performance

Systems with the same processor and amount of memory typically perform at a level of 205 Mp/s. PC Pitstop's video test measures the 2D performance of the video board, which is used to draw windows, icons, and fonts on typical desktop applications such as word processors and browsers. It does not measure the 3D capabilities used by high-end games.


If you have received other tips or advice on PC Pitstop, resolve those items and re-test before trying to resolve this one. Your low performance may be due to some other conditions that we've already detected, and will go away as soon as those problems are resolved.

In Windows XP, you may be able to get better video performance by turning off some of the "eye candy" features. To do that, go to Control Panel | System | Advanced tab | Performance Settings | Visual Effects. In this dialog, you can select "Adjust for best performance" or "Custom" and select just the features you want. Some users have reported that "Smooth edges of screen fonts" has a significant effect on performance.

If this tip consistently appears, there may be a problem with the video driver. See if an update is available from the system or video board vendor. Inexpensive video boards sometimes have very poor performance, especially on low-end systems sold at retail consumer outlets. Your only option to increase performance in these cases may be to buy a new video board.

How do i know which is the latest driver though ??
How do i know which is the latest driver though ??

You can get the latest Nvidia drivers from here. :thumb:

Download the drivers, uninstall the old drivers, reboot, install the new drivers, reboot. Then set your resolution, refresh rates ect to how you like them.

More help

Video performance of this system, 59.06 megapixels per second, is significantly lower than average

Video Board

PC Pitstop's video performance performs a basic test of your system's graphics capabilities and reports the result in millions of pixels displayed per second (MP/s). The percentage indicates the performance of this system compared to systems in our database with a similar CPU, clock speed, and video board. For example, a score of 50% would indicate this system had half the performance of comparable systems; 200% would indicate twice the performance. Determining "normal" performance can be difficult, there can be wide differences due to video drivers even on the same video board.

How can i get the latest NVIDIA nForce Serial ATA Controller and NVIDIA nForce Parallel ATA Controller .MY versions installed date 2005.05.17(best 2005.08.12) and 2005.05.17(best 2005.08.18)

More worringly is why its only 59.06 when the average is over 200 ????help