Unusual Database Growth

  • Thread starter Thread starter tarpon_zeke
  • Start date Start date


I have a client running an application. The application
is hit by local users on the network and by users coming
in using citrix server.

This application has been in production for many years and
given me very little problems.

One thing I can't seem to explain though is the database
growth. When compacted the database is around 500 meg.
After a couple days of use it swells to as much as 1.5
GIG. Compact and repair brings it back to 500 meg.

It is somewhat impractical to get everyone out on a daily
basis to compact and repair this database but I will if
that is what is required.

However, what could be causing this unusual growth? I
have upgraded everyone to the latest jet drivers thinking
that a mismatch there might be the cause but it has not

I am concerned about this because it is a very important
application for this company and last week it corrupted
for the first time ever and corrupted to the point where
it was irrecoverable short of sending it out to someone.
They only lost a couple of hours work so it wasn't worth
all that but I want to make more of an effort to keep this
as clean as possible and this size issue concerns me.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Is the database split, so that each user has their own copy of the front end
(with linked tables to the one back end)?

That may help: esp. if users are creating and destroying temp data, this
process could be performed in their own front end, and the crucial back end
would not be bloated.

Other things to look for include any processes that are modifying the
objects themselves, or code that is unnecessarily dirtying records (e.g. in
Yes, the programs are split. The backend only holds the
permanent tables. All temporary tables I use are in the
front end.

It seems to have something to do with the citrix
influence. The # of users coming in over citrix has
increased dramatically in the last year but I can't
definitely come to that conclusion, thus the reason I am
asking everyone on this newsgroup if they have experienced
anything like this.

It doesn't seem to be a huge problem, I was just curious
why it is growing. At some point it is going to approach
the 2 GIG limit and in reality there is only something
like 500 meg of data in there. I am just concerned about
all the bloat in this thing and trying to resolve why it
might be doing this.