How do you correct an Access 2003 file when you get this error notice and it
isn't true?
"The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the program because you and
another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time"
Douglas is correct - it's pretty easy to "trip over your own feet" by
(say) running an Update query on a table which has a record open on a
HOWEVER... I'm fighting this error message in a database of one of my
clients; it *seems* to be a bogus message, resulting from some subtle
corruption in the database. It's sporadic, it is machine dependent
(errors on his computer but not on mine, with exactly the same front
and back ends), and it's absolutely INFURIATING. I haven't found a
solution yet but you'll hear the yell all the way from Idaho when I
do... <g>
So it may in fact be another instance of a real error (I'd almost say
John W. Vinson[MVP]
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