A few days ago, it appears my system picked up a virus/malware.
A virus scan, SpyBot scan seems to have rid the pest, but since then, the
seems unstable. First, Internet Explorer 7 would hang on a blank page at
start up,
causing the whole system to be unresponsive, needing a re-boot.
I rolled bacl to ver. 6, which would start, but still hang at random periods.
I wanted to try a system restore, but after selecting a restore point, when
it comes
to click on 'Next' to confirm, nothing would happen. I could only click on
or ''Cancel'.
And finally, when trying to visit the Microsoft Update page, I only get a
blank page.
I've installed Firefox so I can browse the net, and may stay with it, but I
some sort of resolution to the above problems. Any suggestions?
A virus scan, SpyBot scan seems to have rid the pest, but since then, the
seems unstable. First, Internet Explorer 7 would hang on a blank page at
start up,
causing the whole system to be unresponsive, needing a re-boot.
I rolled bacl to ver. 6, which would start, but still hang at random periods.
I wanted to try a system restore, but after selecting a restore point, when
it comes
to click on 'Next' to confirm, nothing would happen. I could only click on
or ''Cancel'.
And finally, when trying to visit the Microsoft Update page, I only get a
blank page.
I've installed Firefox so I can browse the net, and may stay with it, but I
some sort of resolution to the above problems. Any suggestions?