Have been experiencing problems with XP Home Edition often
dropping an ISDN internet connection and actually
generally being very slow.
Other symptom possibly related is that when start up
Outlook Express, it takes better part of a minute to show
the full UI or available application (and that's before
you select Send/Receive to check for email!!!).
History of the machine is that used to live in the States
and had ADSL subscription which was a dream. Now live
outside US and best can get is 64K ISDN connection.
Please help b4 I chuck XP and get Linux at home!
dropping an ISDN internet connection and actually
generally being very slow.
Other symptom possibly related is that when start up
Outlook Express, it takes better part of a minute to show
the full UI or available application (and that's before
you select Send/Receive to check for email!!!).
History of the machine is that used to live in the States
and had ADSL subscription which was a dream. Now live
outside US and best can get is 64K ISDN connection.
Please help b4 I chuck XP and get Linux at home!