i have and asp.net application that uses an access database
i use dbcom for database application for ex
Imports Syste
Imports System.Dat
Imports System.Data.OleD
Imports System.Configuratio
Namespace Intranet.Common.Data.Access.Co
Public Class dbco
Implements IDisposabl
#Region "Private Fields
'connection to data sourc
Private con As OleDbConnectio
'Error Message fiel
Private _errorMessage As Strin
#End Regio
#Region "Public Properties
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorMessage() As Strin
Return _errorMessag
End Ge
End Propert
Public Shared ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As Strin
'Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Database.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_STRING"
Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
End Ge
End Propert
#End Regio
#Region "Public Method Implementations
'This function takes a stored proc name and returns an integer
'by invoking ExecuteScalar() on the OleDbCommand type instance
Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal procName As String) As Intege
Dim result As Intege
Dim cmd As OleDbComman
cmd = CreateCommand(procName, Nothing
result = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer
Catch e As Exceptio
result = -
_errorMessage = e.Messag
End Tr
Return resul
End Functio
'This function takes a stored proc name, sql parameters returns an integer
'by invoking ExecuteScalar() on the SqlCommand type instance
Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal procName As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As Intege
Dim result As Intege
Dim cmd As OleDbComman
cmd = CreateCommand(procName, prams
result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(
Catch e As Exceptio
result = -
_errorMessage = e.Messag
End Tr
Return resul
End Functio
......................................End Namespac
i use these i
Imports Syste
Imports System.Dat
Imports System.Data.OleD
Imports System.Configuratio
Imports Alliance.Intranet.Common.Data.Access.Co
Namespace Intranet.Common.Business.Logic.Co
Public Class CustomerBi
Implements IDisposabl
#Region "Private Fields
'connection to data sourc
Private con As OleDbConnectio
'Error Message fiel
Private _errorMessage As Strin
#End Regio
#Region "Public Properties
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorMessage() As Strin
Return _errorMessag
End Ge
End Propert
Public Shared ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As Strin
'Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Database.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_STRING"
Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
End Ge
End Propert
#End Regio
#Region "Public Method Implementations
' CheckLogin Metho
' The CheckLogin method reads a user login and password and check
' to see if it is in the database
Public Shared Function CheckLogIn(ByVal PlayerGameName As String, ByVal PlayerPassword As String) As OleDbDataReader
Dim ObjReturnDR As OleDbDataReader
Dim params(1) As OleDbParameter
Dim db As New dbcom
params(0) = db.MakeParameter("@PlayerName", PlayerGameName)
params(1) = db.MakeParameter("@PlayerPassword", PlayerPassword)
db.RunProcedure("sp_Player_CheckLogin", params, ObjReturnDR)
If ObjReturnDR Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception(db.ErrorMessage)
End If
Return ObjReturnDR
End Function
i use similar code to insert into tables i can insert 6 records into a table and then i get unspecified error
it is not always at the same spot in the code it can and will be in different functions
any ideas this is not a big database and right now i am the only one using it(trying to test it) so there are not concurrent users
i use dbcom for database application for ex
Imports Syste
Imports System.Dat
Imports System.Data.OleD
Imports System.Configuratio
Namespace Intranet.Common.Data.Access.Co
Public Class dbco
Implements IDisposabl
#Region "Private Fields
'connection to data sourc
Private con As OleDbConnectio
'Error Message fiel
Private _errorMessage As Strin
#End Regio
#Region "Public Properties
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorMessage() As Strin
Return _errorMessag
End Ge
End Propert
Public Shared ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As Strin
'Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Database.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_STRING"
Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
End Ge
End Propert
#End Regio
#Region "Public Method Implementations
'This function takes a stored proc name and returns an integer
'by invoking ExecuteScalar() on the OleDbCommand type instance
Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal procName As String) As Intege
Dim result As Intege
Dim cmd As OleDbComman
cmd = CreateCommand(procName, Nothing
result = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), Integer
Catch e As Exceptio
result = -
_errorMessage = e.Messag
End Tr
Return resul
End Functio
'This function takes a stored proc name, sql parameters returns an integer
'by invoking ExecuteScalar() on the SqlCommand type instance
Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal procName As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As Intege
Dim result As Intege
Dim cmd As OleDbComman
cmd = CreateCommand(procName, prams
result = cmd.ExecuteScalar(
Catch e As Exceptio
result = -
_errorMessage = e.Messag
End Tr
Return resul
End Functio
......................................End Namespac
i use these i
Imports Syste
Imports System.Dat
Imports System.Data.OleD
Imports System.Configuratio
Imports Alliance.Intranet.Common.Data.Access.Co
Namespace Intranet.Common.Business.Logic.Co
Public Class CustomerBi
Implements IDisposabl
#Region "Private Fields
'connection to data sourc
Private con As OleDbConnectio
'Error Message fiel
Private _errorMessage As Strin
#End Regio
#Region "Public Properties
Public ReadOnly Property ErrorMessage() As Strin
Return _errorMessag
End Ge
End Propert
Public Shared ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As Strin
'Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Database.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_STRING"
Return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
End Ge
End Propert
#End Regio
#Region "Public Method Implementations
' CheckLogin Metho
' The CheckLogin method reads a user login and password and check
' to see if it is in the database
Public Shared Function CheckLogIn(ByVal PlayerGameName As String, ByVal PlayerPassword As String) As OleDbDataReader
Dim ObjReturnDR As OleDbDataReader
Dim params(1) As OleDbParameter
Dim db As New dbcom
params(0) = db.MakeParameter("@PlayerName", PlayerGameName)
params(1) = db.MakeParameter("@PlayerPassword", PlayerPassword)
db.RunProcedure("sp_Player_CheckLogin", params, ObjReturnDR)
If ObjReturnDR Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception(db.ErrorMessage)
End If
Return ObjReturnDR
End Function
i use similar code to insert into tables i can insert 6 records into a table and then i get unspecified error
it is not always at the same spot in the code it can and will be in different functions
any ideas this is not a big database and right now i am the only one using it(trying to test it) so there are not concurrent users