Unscrambling the wires


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
As some here will know, our telephone wiring was... er, how to put this politely... antiquated. It had been in-situ since the GPO (yes really) installed it.

Mr. Mucks has occasionally nagged me - I meant - suggested that we really should get it updated. Well today, we did! We now have a nice new faceplate thingy, in place of the antique "lozenge" box.

The guy who updated it all for us is an independent ex-Telecom engineer. He covers a big area of S.Wales and parts of Bristol. (He has colleagues who give coverage to other areas of the UK too.)

Anyway, he took about an hour to convert our Heath Robinson, thoroughly eccentric wiring lay-out, to a nice, streamlined set-up. Not only does it look good, there has been a significant rise in internet speed too. (From barely 4 Mbps, to 6.21 Mbps.)

I know that when we switch ISPs, they will send out an engineer, etc., but we wanted to tidy things up a bit before that happened - partly to ensure that I could, with certainty, say that we had the necessary terminals etc.

Excellent job at a very fair cost. I would be happy to recommend him to anyone within the area that he serves. :cheers::cheers:

Good stuff! :)

Its amazing how getting your internal cabling in order can improve your ADSL speeds. Not so much for fibre but it all helps. :thumb:
Good job TC :D. Re-doing our wiring and removing the bell wire gave us a huge speed boost too - in fact, it's now around 14-15Mbps (up from 8).
We had a slight problem last year & BT openreach on behalf of sky sent an engineer round.
After the initial shock of the phone wiring he soon sorted everything out and made it all very neat & tidy.
All was OK apart from the junction box at the front door which he said should have been in a museum!!
All was sorted quickly & speeds improved even with fibre optic.

Oh and the initial problem with the bt box across the road was tracked down not to a problem with it but someone had stolen 25m of copper cabling hence why the box was not connected to the exchange!!!
well well well, about time! :lol:

Welcome to the 19th century ... ;)
1. Good work TC! :bow:

2. I feel THIS needs to be posted (RE Mucks' 19th century welcome). :cry:

3. Ye Brits are a weird lot. :lol: