Unsanctioned Database Copying

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Hello ,

Could you please help me with the issue I faced a few days before while
installing my database into the server. I do it quite frequently when get the
version upgraded in the following sequence: install database, run User-Level
Security Wizard to set the users' parameters/create shortcut and close the
database. I have the repair/compress event running when the database closes
and saving it finally in approx 30 MBytes size. Usually, everything goes
well, but during last session the database saved itself as 50 MBytes and
created a new copy database named "db1" as 30 MBytes. Next attempt in
opening/closing database resulted in creation of the second copy "db2" with
the same 30 MBytes size. I resolved this issue by just deleting bigger file
and renaming the smaller copy with bigger's name instead of automatically
assigned "db" type name. After 3-4 attempts the database stopped creating the
copies and work well now.
Could anybody explain me this Access behavior, actually I'd rather fix it
than perform all these operations every installation session.

This may be a corruption problem.
When you compact/repair a database it first copys the database to a
temporary database named db1.mdb, but if db1.mdb exists, it makes it db2.mdb
as you have seen. As it copies, it eliminates junk and reoganizes the
database. Once the copy is complete, it deletes the original database and
renames db1.mdb to the original name.

Since the process is not completing, it is likely you have either a shortage
of disc space or a corrupt database. If space is not the issue, you may want
to first decompile your database, recompile it, and save it. If that does
not work, try creating a new database and copying the objects one by one from
the original.

Thanks for quick comment. I suspected that and that's why I "manually"
completed this process. As I mentioned after 3rd attempt it stopped behave
But I forgot to mention one thing which made me doubt on corruption: the
same file in my own computer doesn't behave this way, only in the server
space and the server doesn't look like to have a shortage of disc space.
Just because the file is okay on your computer, doesn't mean a copy of it on
a different computer isn't.
Try copying it back to your computer (be sure you don't loose the good copy)
and see if it works correctly.
Ok, Dave, I'll try, thanks. And one more question: what should I do to
"decompile/recompile" the file as you advise, I normally just compile the
file as follows: Debug >> Compile...
