Unparsable Records

  • Thread starter Thread starter Qaspec
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I am attempting to import a csv text file into access2003. I get an import
error table that contains "Unparsable Record" for almost every row. I beleive
this is happening because the column from the text file is set to double and
access automatically is trying to assign long integer. Can I re-assign to
long integer without losing records or can I make Access keep the double data
type from the text file?

here is my macro..

Sub ImportCSVFile()

DoCmd.TransferText ImportDelim, csv, "Table1", "J:\Sample\New.csv", No

End Sub
A csv file is not, as far as I know, set to any data type. It's just a
collection of characters with separators.

Why do you believe your csv file is "set to double"?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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When I attempt to link or import,.. the data in that field does not convert.
When I import and use advanced settings to change the data type to "double"
that allows the data to be imported without errors.
It might help us diagnose what's happening if you would provide a small
example of the kind of data in your csv file that is causing the problem.

Newsgroup rules don't allow attaching a file, so perhaps you could simply
copy/paste a line or two of the csv file?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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